Member Since:
May 2015
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About Andrew

I have published a children's Books called "The Visitors".
I have completed two Movie Script for the books, and the dream is to see the series made into movies.

The series is a Sci-fi fantasy, which includes a Maine Coon Cat, a Jersey Cow, an Adelie Penguin, A Pteranodon and two Aliens.

I am also working on a third, screenplay, based around two teenage brothers that are forced onto the street, and into prostitution to survive.



  • Ischaemic

    Ischaemic Budget: $1M - $5M | Thriller In the dimly lit underbelly of Brisbane's inner south, an interstate truck driver surrenders to his taste for gay kink. Within this sinister world, where shadows dance and secrets lurk, a psycho-sexual predator emerges, leaving behind a haunting trail of strangled gay teens.  Brisbane International Film Union Winner Best Australian Script Mar 2024 

  • The Walking Wounded - Limited Series Feature Length TV Pilot

    The Walking Wounded - Limited Series Feature Length TV Pilot Budget: $1M - $5M | Drama Crime The discovery of a child trafficking ring intertwines with the murder of a priest, forcing a senior detective to confront his own inner demons. CAUTION: This piece of work is not for the faint-hearted. It contains strong language, adult themes, sex scenes, drug use, graphic physical and sexual abuse, and graphic murder scenes. Although child sexual abuse is not shown explicitly, it is implied, and the consequences are not pleasant.   This is the first of 8 EPs. The Walking Wounded Limited Series Feature Length TV Pilot was just selected  as Category Winner in Best Television/Pilot Program or Series category. SYDNEY GLOBAL CINE CARNIVAL Sept 23 Stage 32 2nd Annual Television Drama Screenwriting Contest Quarter Finalist! 

  • The Visitors

    The Visitors Budget: $1M - $5M | Sci-fi Comedy In 2052, Bjorn and Zorn, two extra-terrestrial beings from Planet Aeon, feel the intense heat and vibrations as the Earth is obliterated. In order to prevent this catastrophe, they embarked on a perilous mission to rescue humanity from the turmoil of the Religious Wars. Journeying alongside their human allies, they encountered a myriad of intriguing characters, each adding a new layer of understanding to the Universe and themselves. The narrative unfolds in the present era and spans up to 2052. Along the way, we journey to Saturn's satellite Enceladus, and the fictional planets Aeon. and Caprice. Our travels take us to extraordinary worlds beyond imagination. Throughout our adventure, we explore diverse destinations on planet Earth, such as the bustling metropolis of New York, the enchanting Middle East, the charming streets of Paris, the awe-inspiring Matterhorn, and the vibrant landscapes of Australia. We embark on an extraordinary voyage that spans an astonishing distance of 70,000 light years away from our humble planet. The concept of religion takes on a protagonist role and can cause conflict, whether in theory or in actual actions, as religious or political figures impede the progress of our characters. While unravelling the truth, they uncover Dorian, a fellow Aeonite, who is working against them, ensuring that religious zealots continue to exert their control. Bjorn and Zorn engage in a battle of wits with Aeonite Commander Dorian, each move on the chessboard bringing them closer to determining Earth's future. They quickly discover that the mastermind behind it all is none other than the President of the United States. They experience a rollercoaster of emotions as they face stressful situations, dramatic encounters, and moments of hilarious comedy and fun. Will Bjorn and Zorn win or lose, or will it end in a stalemate? When Earth disappears without a trace for the third time, the time has come for them to make critical decisions that will alter the course of destiny forever. SYDNEY GLOBAL CINE CARNIVAL Award Winner Feature/Critic's Choice. 2023 Hello Andrew, Melbourne Live Indie Film Fest has added a note to your submission: The screenplay successfully blends nerve-wracking situations and dramatic moments with humour and comedy, creating a well-balanced and engaging experience. The characters' coping mechanism of finding humour in stressful situations endears them to the audience and adds a human touch to their extra-terrestrial journey. "Alien Traitor" explores the theme of Religion as a protagonist, which adds complexity to the conflict and serves as an impediment to the characters' mission. The exploration of religious and political figures hindering progress adds depth to the narrative, making it thought-provoking and relevant. The screenplay's plot twist at the end involving a time paradox is particularly noteworthy, leaving a lasting impact on the reader and heightening the intrigue surrounding the characters' decisions and their impact on destiny. "Alien Traitor" is an enthralling and well-crafted screenplay that excels in its genre. The imaginative world-building, captivating plot, and nuanced character development create a compelling cinematic experience. As the characters embark on their mission to save humanity and confront the consequences of their decisions, the screenplay keeps the readers at the edge of their seats, eagerly anticipating how the story will unfold. . Cheers,


  • Swedish International Film Festival Best Sci fi Script

  • 2020 American Fiction Awards Finalist Science Fiction. Alien Space

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