John Daly

John Daly

Screenwriter, Author, Songwriter, Musician at John Daly Project
Filmmaker, Songwriter, Singer, Actor, Content Creator, Director, Musician, Videographer, Other, Author, Music Composer and Screenwriter

Seminole, Florida

Member Since:
September 2017
Last online:
1 week ago
Invites sent:

About John

John has been writing and performing since he was a child. Though not continuous, he has made it a point since 1998 to dedicate his career goals to music & writing alone. John grew up in Levittown Pennsylvania and played in the local rock club circuit for several years after graduating high school. After moving to Largo, FL., and having many band line ups and frustrating attempts to collaborate, he decided to hire musicians for studio work. In 1998 he completed his first CD. Several CDs later and with many more songs lined up, John is proceeding to get his music heard everywhere possible. Though Rock & Roll is his favorite genre, he doesn't want to stop there. John has written Big Band Swing arrangements, Country, and much more. "Classification of an artist seems so limiting to a person that enjoys variety". So he continues to perfect his craft and spread his creation in many directions (Including material in Strongman Picture's 2017 Film "Tarnation", A song in the 2020 second "Debt Collectors" Film. Signed songs with Total Vistas Publishing, Warner Bros., Expressive Artists, Epitome Music and Rock Band Video Game). Though performing is his favorite and most exciting area of the entertainment business, it's safe to say enthusiasm exists in all areas of John's creative endeavors. John can create on the spot. If an idea or need for a musical part is required, he probably can have pretty good input for it in a short period of time. With hundreds of songs and song parts recorded, he has a wide variety to choose from musically. Another kind of creative outlet started is the creation of screenplays. So far John has a supernatural spiritual feature screenplay called "Belief", a short twilight zone type of film script called "The Elevator". A Horror Thriller titled "Wicca Vendetta", a Sci-Fi feature called "Equinox", and a horror thriller called "Clayton's Manor. John has also released an Autobiography book for sale on most digital outlets, and started a journey into film making with a short film called "A Visit From Beyond" and another called "But in the Long Run".

Unique traits: Long Curly Hair, Tan and fit.



  • Belief

    Belief Budget: $10M - $30M | Fantasy Drama A radical organization in the current day seeks to assassinate a man they believe is the anti-Christ, after He demonstrates powers of the Messiah

  • Heterosexual

    Heterosexual Budget: $1M - $5M | Sci-fi Crime Unknowingly operated on with an experimental treatment to change sexual preference, a gay man's changed thought patterns bring suspicion among police who search for a murderer.

  • Wicca Vendetta

    Wicca Vendetta Budget: $10M - $30M | Thriller Horror A modern day witch has spirits of women tell her where their murderer's whereabouts are so she can avenge them, while a police detective tries to figure out whoshe is, what she is, and how to stop her.

  • Light of the Journey's End

    Light of the Journey's End Budget: $0 - $100K | Horror A man dies in the hospital and crosses over to the other side, where a beautiful experience drastically turns into an ultimate nightmare.

  • Clayton's Manor

    Clayton's Manor Budget: $5M - $10M | Thriller Horror As a curse is passed on, people's wishes are granted for a deadly price, from spirits that haunt an old mansion in the woods.

  • Equinox

    Equinox Budget: $30M+ | Sci-fi A demented man from the future gets caught in a time warp and causes havoc in today's and tomorrow's world, while men from both times try to stop him

  • The Elevator

    The Elevator Budget: $0 - $100K | Drama Fantasy Five people get on an elevator in the present day and get brought back in time to 1943 where they become stranded.

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