Damion Willis

Damion Willis

Actor, Concept Artist, Screenwriter and Voice Actor

Lake Charles, Louisiana

Member Since:
January 2020
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Damion

Safe to say I've always had a creative existence. My dad was an artists and he inspired all his kids to pursue their imaginations. It has led me to get a bachelor's degree in Game Art and Design and publish the book series End of Legend.

I have always been fascinated with telling stories and character development. Film is the perfect platform to showcase the vividness and excitement of such tales. After writing my first script things changed for me. It was like finding that dragon's lair full of treasure. I love the process. There's nothing better than bringing my imagination to life! Not to toot my own horn but I honestly feel like writing and directing are paths that my soul has been waiting to take.

All-in-all, I hope the fan-base here enjoy my work and that some of these scripts can make it to the big leagues. Thanks for the support everyone!



  • Chronicles of a Zombie

    Chronicles of a Zombie Action Sci-fi Not much to worry about as a typical highschooler until you die and get re-animated as a zombie! How will Dee handle being face down and flatfooted in a deadly wager between gods?

  • Elf

    Elf Sci-fi Fantasy In the midst of a lightning storm an elf appears in the modern world. An abstract group of friends must deal with the thrill, magic and danger that follows her.

  • X-men: Into the Mojoverse

    X-men: Into the Mojoverse Action Sci-fi Kidnapped and taken to an alien planet. The X-Men are forced to participate in a gladiatorial game of life, death and popularity.

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