Victor Alonzo

Victor Alonzo

Brooklyn, New York

Member Since:
September 2020
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Victor

I am the creator of Googie Toons, I'm just an average guy trying to get my cartoons out there, I'm hoping that I get my cartoons on a streaming service.

Googie Toons is an animated comedy that stars the Alonzo Family, Googie who is Victor Alonzo, his mother Ruth and his oldest brother Sabia, and Googie's Rottweiler Cyprus. They live in a house in the middle of the street in a Dominican neighborhood in Corona Queens NY. Googie along with his high school friends and family goes through a bunch of crazy adventures, Googie suffers from mental illness, he suffers from Schizophrenia and bi-polar disorder, Googie is a care free spirit who had a rough childhood, his father died at the age of six. Googie had another brother that died in 1999 name Orlando, his nick name was Ollie who pops in every now and then in spirit to comfort Googie in his time of need when Googie goes through tough situations and when the mental illness kicks in.

There are also other characters in the show, a group of stupid clumsy wanna be ninjas and a ninja in training who fights various hilarious villains from Professor Chang to Count Octula that try to keep New York safe from all sorts of threats, a Dominican super hero name Dominican Batman, real name is Fernando Ramirez, who works at UPS during the day and fights crime at night while struggling to support his wife and three daugthers, and there's also a family of Zombies that came from a zombie planet after their world exploded. They try to fight their urges from eating people's brains and live among the humans, the father Breh, his wife Sweet, his son Zeek and his daughter Wink.

There are also aliens and monsters that come to destroy the natural order of things, from the monster Golmonger and his minions from another dimension to come eat humans, to the Juju aliens from the planet Juju to conquer earth, and the Afrolians from the planet Afrolia to terraform earth.



  • Bayside High School

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