Suzanne Antonia Summa

Suzanne Antonia Summa

Screenwriter, Storyteller, Multimedia Arts at @60sOffspring (Social)
Motion Graphic Design, Screenwriter, Filmmaker and Graphic Designer

Renton, Washington

Member Since:
March 2021
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Suzanne

Hey there! I'm Suzanne, a storyteller, filmmaker, and seeker of diverse narratives. Back in 2016, I made a bold decision to leave my professional career behind and dive into the world of film production and cinematography. Since then, I've gained invaluable experience on independent film sets, honing my skills and nurturing a deep appreciation for the power of diverse storytelling.

With a nomadic upbringing, I've had the privilege of exploring different cultures and perspectives, which has shaped my unique outlook on life and storytelling. It fuels my unwavering commitment to amplifying the voices and stories that often go unheard. I firmly believe that diversity is the key to a vibrant and inclusive film industry, and I'm dedicated to effecting positive change through my work.

Currently, I'm immersed in the captivating world of screenwriting. One of my ongoing projects is a heartfelt screenplay centered around a little girl and her extraordinary connection with a Maple tree. Additionally, I have a web series in development and another screenplay simmering on the back burner. I've also had the pleasure of creating two short films, where I embraced various roles to bring stories to life.

Beyond filmmaking, my passions take me on incredible journeys. Whether I'm meditating to find inner peace, capturing the beauty of flowers and mountains through my camera lens, or pouring my creativity into writing captivating screenplays, my curiosity, and thirst for exploration are constant companions.

Much appreciation & respect,

Hashtags that define me: #Mother #Artist #ScreenWriter #Filmmaker #Meditator #Organizer #VideoEditor #GraphicDesigner #CreativeProducer #ProductionDesigner #NatureLover #PeopleLover #GlassHalfFullKindofGal

Unique traits: Because I spent most of my young life traveling I can usually connect with a very wide variety of personalities. I truly enjoy creating and/or fostering comfortable connected spaces. I love collaborating on GREAT IDEAS!



  • Unsaid

    Unsaid (2021)
    Short Production designer Currently in Post-Production

  • A Woman's Walk PSA

    A Woman's Walk PSA (2019)
    Short (Short) Writer/Director An experimental PSA, A Woman's Walk is a fictional reenactment of a young woman's processes as she passes a stranger while walking alone at night.

  • Weird U

    Weird U (2019)
    TV Series by Marc Shahboz (Comedy) Production manager Hoggetowne University is the number one small college in the nation and located in Gainesville, Florida but some weird things are going on there... and not just Florida weird. Set in a Lovecraft universe join Tristan and Lex as they navigate college and more than a few odd supernatural events.

  • Portrait of a Young Man

    Portrait of a Young Man
    Drama by Brandon Shenk (Drama) DIT Gray, an obsessive angsty teenager, must make peace with his struggling family in order to overcome emotional bonds and personal afflictions.

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