Ben Steele

Ben Steele

Actor, Animator and Art Director

Austin, Texas

Member Since:
July 2021
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Ben

Raised in the desert, I became passionate about art, technology and their intersection at a young age. I began tinkering with homemade electronics, experimental art installations and animation. After branding my digital identity 'AOINEKO', many of my artworks won awards and were exhibited across Asia, Europe, and North America. In 2005 my short film 'Fragile Machine' was taught at multiple colleges as an example of postmodern narrative and named Best Animated Film of the Year by Cyberpunk Review. Whilst living in various places like Taiwan, Hong Kong, and across the US and Canada I expanded Aoineko into the interactive space, building both experimental projects for client brands like Canon, Acer and Rockstar Games as well as full videogames for various publishers.



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