John Lamar

John Lamar

Director, Director of Development, Filmmaker, Line Producer, Producer, Production Coordinator and Production Manager

Seattle, Washington

Member Since:
February 2013
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About John

Greetings to All, Hello, my name is John Lamar, I hail from the Pacific Northwest, Seattle to be exact. I am a independent Producer, with a resume geared towards very small projects. I’ve produced and executive produced features, short films, music videos, small local commercials, educational, training videos, and entertainment events on some level. Currently right now, I’m in pre productions on a few projects, two web based series, two reality shows, and one pilot for possible pitching to an interested studio. As I continue on my journey, I still offer my services to the right project if I’m available. I’m looking to network with as many other like minded individuals and production companies that wish to collaborate on some level. As of recently, I’ve directed my interest in directing, and spearheading my efforts on that path. My strong suit is producing, pulling all the elements and resources for whatever projects I’m attached to. I look forward to meeting everyone in some capacity, and exchanging ideals as well as contact information. Much success to everyone on their journey! God Speed



  • The Store

    The Store Other Thriller The Store where customers come in to purchase antique items only to get them home and find themselves in unusual predicament.


  • Living Life

    Living Life (2003)
    Film by Rainy day Pictures Producer Young cancer patient wants to make a difference before he dies in the lives of young kids, and his father and grandfather relationship.

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