Emerson College

Emerson College

Emerson College

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At least 255 Stage 32 members have attended Emerson College:
Meg Pinsonneault

Meg Pinsonneault

Director, Editor and Screenwriter from Los Angeles, California
Jacob Scheyder

Jacob Scheyder

Actor, Illustrator and Screenwriter from New York City, New York
Steve Cook

Steve Cook

Actor, Director and Filmmaker from New York City, New York
Ingrid Oslund

Ingrid Oslund

Choreographer, Director and Playwright from Boston, Massachusetts
Alicia B. Sweeney

Alicia B. Sweeney

Actor, Dancer and Singer from Annapolis, Maryland
Ben Atkinson

Ben Atkinson

Actor, Comedian and Dialogue Editor from Los Angeles, California
Yelena V Krivosheyeva

Yelena V Krivosheyeva

Director and Screenwriter from Boston, Massachusetts
Gregory Crafts

Gregory Crafts

Actor, Playwright and Theatre Director from North Hollywood, Los Angeles County, California
Diana Birdsall

Diana Birdsall

Voice Artist from Huntington Beach, California
Thomas J. Misuraca

Thomas J. Misuraca

Playwright from Los Angeles, California
Abigail Wright

Abigail Wright

Actor, Filmmaker and Producer from Boulder, Colorado
Ken Willinger, Soc

Ken Willinger, Soc

Cinematographer from Boston, Massachusetts
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