University of Cincinnati

University of Cincinnati

University of Cincinnati

University of Cincinnati is a college located in Cincinnati, Ohio.

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At least 44 Stage 32 members have attended University of Cincinnati:
Rob Pawlikowski

Rob Pawlikowski

Actor, Comedian and Photographer (Still) from Roxbury, Connecticut
Simon Kane

Simon Kane

Actor, Director and Producer from London, England
Robert D. Carver

Robert D. Carver

Director from New York City, New York
Kino McFarland

Kino McFarland

Cynthia A Denny

Cynthia A Denny

Film/Theatre Journalist, Playwright and Researcher from Muncie, Indiana
Othello Gooden Jr.

Othello Gooden Jr.

Filmmaker, Music Composer and Musician from Cincinnati, Ohio
Jeremy A. Bryan (Kamileon)

Jeremy A. Bryan (Kamileon)

Music Composer, Musician and Producer from Cincinnati, Ohio
Amanda Mercurio

Amanda Mercurio

Production Designer, Art Director and Set Designer from Denver, Colorado
Cory Wills

Cory Wills

Animator, Boom Operator and Camera Operator from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Matthew P. Benjamin

Matthew P. Benjamin

Filmmaker from Cincinnati, Ohio
Kennyce Russ

Kennyce Russ

Actor and Student from Cincinnati, Ohio
Chris Blem

Chris Blem

Actor, Costumer and Production Assistant from New York City, New York
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