Member Since:
April 2014
Last online:
1 week ago
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About Randy

I'd like to say I was born a filmmaker, but honestly, I was born a gooey, slobbery baby like everyone else. But now I'm a filmmaker, so that's pretty good progress. While I dabble in short films, I prefer to think that my area of strength is features, so let's see how that goes. Everybody ready?

Unique traits: Fingerprints, two left feet




  • Strangers in the Night

    Strangers in the Night Horror Action Elvis Flynn, along with his sister, Keira, are the two best operatives ever to not exist as far as the CIA is concerned. But when they discover among us the best natural (or supernatural) spies on Earth – vampires – they stumble down a path that connects US intelligence, powerful, immortal beings and their missing, CIA-operative parents.

  • Shadow of the Bear

    Shadow of the Bear Budget: $10M - $30M | Adventure Drama Historical Mystery War A female bush pilot with a painful psychic gift leads a salvage team to a plane wreck frozen in a remote Alaskan valley, and discovers how hot the Cold War almost got... and still could.

  • Speed Demon

    Speed Demon Budget: $10M - $30M | Action Horror A legendary mob enforcer and a double-crossed girlfriend chase redemption and stolen diamonds on an eerily empty road through the Arizona desert, while something else chases them.

  • The Fixer

    The Fixer Budget: $30M+ | Action Animation Fantasy With no money, no girlfriend and no real life, Kirby Wiklund takes the one job that makes him just crazy enough to become the superhero in his imagination, even though that guy is kind of a dick.


  • Land of Enchantment

    Land of Enchantment (2014)
    Film (short) Director/Co-Writer/Co-Producer

  • I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus

    I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus (2002)
    Television by Regent Entertainment Co-Writer

  • Face Value

    Face Value (2002)
    Film by Robert Papazian Enterprises Co-Writer (original story)


  • Finalist: Emerging Screenwriters Genre Contest

  • Top 10: Creative Screenwriting Unique Voices Genre Contest

  • Alaska Intl. Film Festival Northern Lights Emerging Talent Award (Screenwriting)

  • Austin Film Festival Second Round

  • Semi-finalist: Rhode Island Intl. Film Festival Screenwriting Contest

  • Winner: The Next Great John Carpenter Movie Contest (Screenwriting)

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