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By Carmen Mosley

GENRE: Horror, Crime

Ripley, a former Special Forces soldier turned Chief of Police, races against time to catch a serial killer murdering altar boys. She must also fight for her marriage, her sobriety, and a demonic force in her home before it all comes crashing down.


Ripley Abecassis is former Special Forces newly elected Chief of Police for the city of Boston. Her wife, Siobhan is a successful writer, but is unfulfilled in her marriage. It continues to deteriorate as she seeks attention elsewhere. A serial killer is lurking around Boston killing young altar boys in a ritualist manner. Ripley combats pressure from the Catholic church and in her new post with a lot to prove. The pressure of her crumbling marriage and a failing investigation brings her sanity to a fever pitch and she confronts her own demons as she battles true unknown forces in her home.


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James Welday

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James Welday

Hi Carmen, I like your concept a lot. Might I suggest tightening this logline a bit:

Ripley, a troubled former Special Forces soldier turned Chief of Police, is on the trail of a serial killer butchering altar boys, but soon discovers a demonic force has invaded her very own home.

Hopefully that helps :-)

Carmen Mosley

James Welday - Thank you! I am just seeing this as I update my work. Loglines are always been my least favorite thing to write. I appreciate the help.

James Welday

No worries, happy to help! They're not my favorite thing either.

Tasha Lewis

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