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By Shelly Battista

GENRE: Other

A reporter discovers an unique cascade of events, somehow providing the right things at the right time while skirting legal obstacles and protecting the secrets of those involved, including her own.

Amazing Kacee

Maybe research what a logline is and try again as I have no idea what the story is, the goals, the inciting incident etc. Best of Luck

Tasha Lewis

Rated this logline

Shelly Battista

The story is simple, about the unseen connections we take for granted that help each of us get through life. Interconnected stories with no tangible beginning or ending, the cycle is never ending.

Nate Rymer

Rated this logline

Amazing Kacee

Shelly Battista again research because your logline is not even a logline as it is missing crucial things a logline has

Shelly Battista

I went by the advice in multiple resources. Don't use names, state the protagonist, (it's the reporter telling the story) don't mention details (hence the generic obstacles as there are many, multiple story lines) the goal, (keeping the secrets hidden). What am I missing? The event which causes the reporter to recognize these connections is one of the secrets that must remain hidden. We find out at the end what the secret is. Should I reference this last aspect?

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