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By Niki "giggles" Galiano

GENRE: Not selected

Jerry Seinfeld returns to the screen as the President of the United States (POTUS), along with all his comedian buddies as UNDER-FUNCTIONING members of CABINET.


I don't have a well-defined logline yet, but you can read below how I fleshed out the concept....**

So, I was just sitting at home, watching the news, when all of a sudden I came up with this HILARIOUS idea for a comedy sit-com:

What if Jerry Seinfeld was POTUS (President of the United States) and he and his wife do nothing all day long but solve the world's problem by just sitting around and watching the news all day! Lol.

Oh my God, that would be hilarious. But gets better...

Not only is Jerry Seinfeld the first Jewish President of the United States, but ALL of his cabinet members are also stand-up comics!

All my favorites, like Brian Regan....and Brian Regan...ok, well I guess we'll have to make Brian Regan V.P., because he's so damn funny.

And then there's Christopher Titus....he's another one who makes me laugh so hard I can't smile. (I mean, he makes me laugh so hard I can't talk. Lol. (You know, I met him once after a show here in Tempe, Arizona, and he was so nice... I got front row seats. I once offered to go on a USO tour with him, but I never heard back...

Oh! I know what we can do, we can have Titus as the Secretary of Defense, and all he does is go on USO tours. Lol! Yes!! That would be hilarious!

(Sorry for all the exclamation points, but it's how I brainstorm....but I will try to tone it down..but it will be hard, because this pitch is really funny...)

So, Jerry can pick the rest of his cabinet himself, but I was thinking it would be hilarious if his wife on the show was me (because I'm also a stand-up comic) and we have this funny wedding on the lawn of the White House. And Jerry tries to surprise me by bringing in a priest (because he, like everyone else in the world, assumes that I was raised Catholic because of my last name.) But as it turns out, I was NOT raised Catholic. And in fact, I am probably the ONLY Italian-Irish girl in the entire country who is NOT Catholic. Lol.

But I digress...

Anyway, so Jerry and I are at the wedding, and the Rabbi cancels, so the only one left to do the ceremony is the priest. But when the priest finds out I wasn't raised Catholic (I was raised Methodist, or as how I describe it "Christian-lite"). Jerry says "You're Methodist?? You can't be on the show if you're Methodist! Methodists aren't funny!"

And I say, "No, I was RAISED methodist, but because of all my temporal lobe seizures, I've become a mystic." Everyone mumbles a little bit and they remember that all the Catholic Saints were thought to have had some form of epilepsy, so ok, it makes sense that I would be a mystic.

So Jerry asks the Priest...can you marry us if she's a mystic? And the priest says "Nope."

So then we have to go back into the White House, and we already arranged to have this big post-wedding ceremony, so we decide to just have the party and get married later. (And we even have a D.J. in the West Wing!)

Oooh, that would be funny to bring on the old cast members from the TV show "The West Wing" for the pilot of this sit-com.

And of course, we couldn't bring on those cast members unless we also brought on the old cast members from Seinfeld. We could have Elaine as the Cabinet Secretary...and then George could be...well, he could be....I'm not sure what George would be quite yet. I'll have to mull that one over.

Oh, but we should bring in Matt Damon, and make him Secretary of Gems and Minerals, because he was in that movie about fracking! (Ha ha...I know there is no cabinet secretary of gems and minerals, but Jerry's wife thinks it should be that way, so he says "Ok, whatever you want."

And that's his signature line in the entire movie..."Ok, whatever you want." Lol.

Ok, that's all I have so far for the pilot. I'll come back and add the story bible (or story Torah) later...

Tasha Lewis

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