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By Niki "giggles" Galiano

GENRE: Comedy

Sophie DaVinci, a red-headed female pharmacist (who often calls herself the "anti-pharmacist" because she's so into holistic medicines and other therapies..not to mention disgusted with the dealings of Big Pharma) moves back to her college home town of Lawrence, Kansas to re-open the old Raney's Drug Store as a HOLISTIC PHARMACY with four of her friends from college.


In a nutshell, "The Pharmacy" is a sit-com like Cheers, but set in an old-fashioned a mom-and-pop pharmacy.

Five middle-aged pharmacists, sick and tired of the corporate rat-race of working in retail pharmacy, quit their jobs and move back to their college town of Lawrence, Kansas, to re-open the pharmacy where they all did their internships in.

In place of the old soda fountain, they put in a green juice bar...where the locals gather to talk about their lives.

Through it all, they live together (at least in the beginning), laugh together (all the time)... and occasionally, fall in love with each other.

I envision John Mulaney as the Pharmacist in Charge (PIC) because he's a lot like the guys I went to pharmacy school with...nice, clean cut, handsome, and funny as hell.

I originally envisioned the pharmacy set in the old Raney's building (in Lawrence, Kansas, where I worked as a pharmacy intern...can't remember the exact year...but I went to pharmacy school from 1990 to 1993, so it must have been in there somewhere...

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