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By Niki "giggles" Galiano

GENRE: Comedy, Romance

A female FBI agent gets an assignment go to undercover as a "van lifer" to try to catch a criminal on the run.


I envision Sandra Bullock playing the lead, and Sam Rockwell playing her love-interest.

(Come to think of it, Sam might be really funny as the missing Rabbi in POTUS, too....)

Pat Savage

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Pat Savage

I like it!

Niki "giggles" Galiano

Thanks, Pat! I got the idea for the screenplay when I bought my van, which, believe it or not, used to be a government surveillance van! Anyway, when I got it, it had a hidden door, a desk and a chair, microphones and tiny little cameras...and so many wires! It even had a periscope in it! I was going to keep it that way and try to film the movie inside the van myself (really low budget), but it was too hard to drive it around and live in it with all that stuff in it. And I kept hitting my head on the periscope. Lol. But hey, it inspired a screenplay....

Niki "giggles" Galiano

Claude, a van lifer is someone who lives in their van I live in mine part-time, and I love it. People convert their vans so it's like a tiny RV has everything you need. But unlike an RV, a van is also small enough to "stealth camp" anywhere in the city. (Yeah, I'm learning the lingo. Lol.)

Marcos Fizzotti

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Lisa Isaacson

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Lisa Isaacson

I rated 4 only because I don't know what a van lifer is - but I love women cop stories!

Niki "giggles" Galiano

Ok, so that's two people who don't know what a van lifer is, so I might have to re-do my logline. Thanks for the feedback!

Pat Savage

Claude Gagne A van lifer is someone who lives in their van

Tasha Lewis

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