10 TV Series Bibles You Must Download & Read

10 TV Series Bibles You Must Download & Read

If you think not writing a TV bible for your series is okay, think again. Studio and indie producers are asking for them, and there are a million reasons why having one can serve you.
Okay, maybe not a million. But enough.
Here are a few:
1) A bible can help you, the writer, understand your characters and your world better than you thought.
2) A bible can give the producer faith that you know your world and are prepared to discuss the series with confidence.
3) Creating a bible can help you improve your world-building and other writing outside of your script.
4) Putting a document like this together can give you a leg up, should you be considered for a spot in a writer's room.
The list goes on. But let's stop there and get to the goods: a handful of show bibles for your review, including Freaks and Geeks, Grey's Anatomy, and Stranger Things. Enjoy!
If you have any you'd like to add to our list, please include the link in the comments. And thank you!
2) Scrubs
3) The Crow
4) New Girl
6) The Wire
8) Fargo
10) Freaks and Geeks
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About the Author

Joleene DesRosiers
Screenwriter, Actor, Producer
Joleene DesRosiers is a former television reporter and anchor turned indie screenwriter and director/producer at a PBS affiliate television station in Northern New York/Canada.This role allows her to write, produce, and direct regional and national documentaries, docs-series, and other series produc...
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