
The place to discuss, share content and offer advice and tips on all things lighting, framing, cameras, lenses and technique

Ashley Renee Smith
Stage 32’s $100,000 Education Giveaway Featured In Variety!

Hey, DPs!

As featured in an exclusive announcement by Variety, Stage 32 is pledging $100,000 in free webinar education from our world-leading education library, in support of the WGA and SAG strikes. This offer is for both new and current members. Don't miss out on this awesome opportunity to redeem...

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Ashley Renee Smith

I know, it's so exciting!

Sam Sokolow

As the strikes continue to drag on this gets cooler and cooler. So proud of Stage 32 for this!

Gareth Taylor
Let's talk cinematography terms

Hi everyone. This is an article I wrote a few years ago for Videomaker Magazine. It outlines the main terms in cinematography and explains what they are. I tried to give the least technical definitions in order for anyone to understand and grasp some basic concepts. This is very useful for anyone in...

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Cinematography 101 - Telling stories visually
Cinematography 101 - Telling stories visually
Cinematography involves everything you see in a movie frame that helps tell the story, such as composition, lighting, camera angles and more.
Leonardo Ramirez

Hey Gareth Taylor this is a great article for those of us focused on a different discipline but wanting to learn more about filmmaking. Thanks for sharing!

Ashley Renee Smith

This is a fantastic resource! Thank you for sharing, Gareth Taylor!

Maurice Vaughan

Great list, Gareth Taylor! There's a lot on it I didn't know about. I watched a movie today where there was a big fight scene. The camera panned back and forward, tilted, and rolled so fast and there...

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Ty Strange

Handy list to have, Gareth Taylor, Thx for sharing!

Sam Sokolow

What a nice simple distillation of what can complicated ideas for a lot of people. Thanks so much for sharing, Gareth Taylor!

Nick Waters
Visually Stunning Films

What do you consider some of the best visual movies? A few that come to mind for me are 2001, Barry Lyndon, Melancholia, Climax.

Ashley Renee Smith

1917, Children of Men, Alien, Aliens, O Brother Where Art Thou, E.T., Big Fish, and The Dark Knight are definitely some of my favorite visual movies. But I think it's worth noting the incredible anima...

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Stephen Folker

Children of Men definitely an amazing film. Love the shakiness of the whole movie. Also, Borgman is an awesome film!

Jordan Smith

Alien and E.T. for their use of darker lighting, aspect ratios, anamorphic lenses, steady cam, tone, production design and use of atmosphere. I would also give a lot of credit to some of the newer ani...

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Lisa Lee

I agree with so many of these choices! I haven't seen The Electrical Life of Louis Wain yet, but the screengrabs look stunning.

Bev Oliver

The Wizard of Oz immediately comes to my mind. Mahogany is another. Any of the Transformers movies.

Gareth Taylor
Let's start the week in colorful fashion

Color in story is sometimes overlooked but is easily one of the most important aspect of visual storytelling.

Ashley Renee Smith

Gareth Taylor, thank you for sharing! This is a great video!

Sam Sokolow

Very cool - thanks for sharing, Gareth Taylor!

Maurice Vaughan

Incredible video and history lessons, @Gareth Taylor! I use colors in my scripts to represent certain things for the characters and story. And to show change (character arc, situations changing, emotions/moods changing, etc.).

Bev Oliver

Thank you for the reminder. Lately I think about sunlight and color in videos I've been shooting. It's a dry run for an upcoming film project. My latest work is here.

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Sam Sokolow
The Stage 32 Labor Day Sale is under way!

To all of the cinematographers, DP's and camera professionals in the community, I am excited to let you know that the 2023 Stage 32 Labor Day Sale has begun.

You can take 20% of ALL of our world-class labs, classes and webinars by using the code LABOR23 at checkout of any education you'd like.

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JayaPrakash Telangana
Wanted a #Cameraman - paid Gig (Sirsa, Haryana- India)

Wanted a #Cameraman for a #paidGig

who owns their gear & is closer to #Sirsa #Haryana or can travel there for a day or 2 to shoot some #BrollFootage

DM me for details, and send your showreel.

Forward this to your friends in North India

#DoP #Cinematographers #India

Ty Strange

Hi, JayaPrakash Telangana. You can also post a job in the Jobs section:

Best of luck!...

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Ashley Renee Smith
Andy Rydzewski Talks Camera Movement And Tools Beginners Should Have

I thought this video was a great watch and I just had to share it! So much valuable advice and insights to consider.

Ashley Renee Smith

Ty Strange, that's so true! And it's not a chore to be nice to people. Being pleasant to work with should be one of the simplest things you can do to keep working. People will reach out and re-hire so...

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Ashley Renee Smith

Gareth Taylor, absolutely!! There's a chemistry and vibe when you're on a set with people that you enjoy and that energy is what can push everyone through long days and nights overcoming obstacles as...

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Ashley Renee Smith

Sam Sokolow, he's great!

Dustin Quinteros

I posted a similar link related to lighting. Those cinematic elements can raise the value of story telling vs. static shots on sticks.

Lisa Lee

This was a great watch, thanks for sharing Ashley Renee Smith!

Ashley Renee Smith
Rebel Moon- Filmed on Custom Lenses

The trailer for Zack Snyder's new 2-part sci-fi epic, Rebel Moon, was released yesterday. Rebel Moon was filmed entirely on a set of custom lenses that Snyder had made specifically for this film to give it a unique look. What does everyone think?

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Amanda Toney

I found a cool article that talks about the bespoke lens, he used the Red V Raptor for his camera:

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Sherri ZImmerman

Okay... my thoughts? I agree with Maurice that the trailer seems a bit long however, it surely gives you a grand look at what it is about overall....

I am just not sure THAT IT IS STILL NOT MUCH LIKE...

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Ashley Renee Smith

Maurice Vaughan, you're absolutely right! But Zack isn't known for shorter anything. Lol!

Ashley Renee Smith

Amanda Toney, the doc coming out about the lenses will be very interesting!

Nick Waters

Super cool. Curious to see how this will be!

Stephen Folker
Post your Favorite Screen Grab!

This from a no-budget feature I just wrapped last week. Would love to see what everyone else is working on at the moment.

Maurice Vaughan

Great job on the video, Ashley Renee Smith! At least he wasn't hungry during the shoot.

Rutger Oosterhoff

Vincent van Gogh thinking "who's that stange looking man?"

Stephen Folker

Ashley Renee Smith I bet he didn't eat Mac N Cheese for a long time after that! LOL. Hope he wasn't lactose intolerant!! Thanks for sharing!

Ashley Renee Smith

Stephen Folker, he didn't! Lol! But he said it was worth it.

Pamela Jaye Smith

Fun story, Stephen.

Ashley Renee Smith
Your Guide To Filming Great Interviews!

Hey All,

Be sure to check out this fantastic blog with tips for filming great interviews! Shawn gets into his suggestions for both processes and gear.

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Sam Sokolow

Filming interviews is an overlooks art form and can make such a difference in the dramatic results that an audience experiences. I've done them well and not so well. This is a very cool share and impo...

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Fran Harris
Cameras, Lights and Mics, Oh My!!!

What is the best equipment list for a first time filmmaker? Does "best" even exist or should filmmakers shoot with whatever they can get their hands on?

When I started in TV 20+ years ago, the cameras were gigantic and super heavy. And if you wanted a quality picture that was network TV-worthy, you...

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Stephen Folker

Netflix approved cameras only apply if you are hired to shoot a show / movie for them. It's totally irrelevant. Any and all cameras are good. It boils down to understanding light and composition. Same...

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Ty Strange

Here's another lounge post, Fran Harris, I started a few months back that has oodles of information for you. Now, I started the post with two cinema cameras in mind but as you will see many others wer...

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Sam Sokolow

Hi Fran Harris - here's a link to a Stage 32 class on cinematography that I recommend. Matthew Boyd is a great shooter and a wealth of knowledge on the subject:

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Ty Strange

In addition to Sam Sokolow's recommendation here's a Stage32 webinar I watched last night that was invaluable:

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Nathan Woodward

Hi there Fran, this is a loaded question for sure. What type of movie are you making? A really good master class in how to make a dollar stretch would be to watch El Mariachi, David Rodriguez' feature...

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Dustin Quinteros
Using lighting to help tell your story...

I love that someone else has already done the heavy lifting. When writing, producing, and working through you script how do visualize it on the screen of your imagination and do you know how to practically apply it? Tell me Studiobinder...

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David Abrookin

This is really cool, Dustin Quinteros! Great share!

Dustin Quinteros

Nathan Woodward excellent point!

Ty Strange

Great insight, Dustin Quinteros. As a writer, I only give lighting thought if during a scene it helps tell/sell the story. A dark alley, for example. How the director imaginations that dark alley and...

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Niki H

This is great Dustin, thank you! One of my favorite things about watching Knives Out was the special bit they made about the lighting.

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