Introduce Yourself : Stage 32? why? by Andrew Wilson

Andrew Wilson

Stage 32? why?

Sorry I don't really see the point of Stage 32 - just another disctraction from work! Who cares who is in who's network? Prove me wrong!

Jahmilla Jackson

Delete your account and move on. It's as simple as that.

Jen Govey

Wow. No, you really don't get it. It's like alchemy. Meet the right people at the right time with the right projects... It's the random flux of the universe waiting to unleash potential when the right people meet. If you don't see the point, I agree with Jax. The negativity & hostility on your profile is not very inviting, so it will probably prove you right and maybe then make you happy?

Doug Nelson

I'm a small time producer with a few award winning scripts up my sleeve. I found a really good Director, a top notch Casting Director, a strong Editor, and some really good crew through Stage 32 - it's worked for me but I keep my network close to home.

Milt Barlow

I think this is one of the best networking sites out there. If it doesn't work for you why bother even commenting ? Cheers Milt

Milt Barlow

I concur ! Kathryn! Best for 2014 Milt

Anthony Cawood

I don't like proving people wrong, feels inherently negative ;-)

Anthony Cawood

@Bruce - and there's another one that doesn't sit with my sunny disposition ;-)

Anthony Cawood

@Bruce - that's very insightful, I'm a massive Horror fan and half of what I write comes out dark - even when it doesn't start there.

Anthony Cawood

@Bruce - true but not as interesting...

MasterSgt. (Ret.) Charles R. Evans

"Sorry I don't really see the point of Stage 32 - just another disctraction from work! Who cares who is in who's network? Prove me wrong!" And yet you take the time to wander in here and post pointless unconstructive remarks. Don't let the door hit you in the butt on the way out. Trolls are lower life forms.

Daniel Berkey

Networking is the way to proliferate the work. The more people who become aware of other like-minded people and perhaps join forces, the greater will the influencing power of that group become. It's not the only way to empower, but it's a way that's worked very potently for me and my group(s).

Valerie Michele Oliver

Andrew - I see that you enjoy stirring up the pot--playing the devil's advocate! Gotcha! I'll play the game. I attracted a wonderful co-screenwriter for my original, TV series project. Our script has attracted a producer to develop it for 2014 pilot season. Working hard on it!

Ryan D. Canty

people have given you plenty of reasons that state Stage32's value. If you don't think there is value, then yes, delete your account. plain and simple.

Cynthia Garbutt

Stage 32 - why? So you signed on to something without knowing what it's ALL about - again. If you cannot focus on your work, because the only thing you can focus on regarding stage32, is: who's in whose's network - that's not stage 32's or it's members problem, it's your own.

Andrew Wilson

I joined hoping for the best but have been very dissapointed so far. I've had dozens of join my network requests from people mainly on the west coast of the US. Now, either they haven't read my profile or are just trying to bump up numbers in their network. Either way no use to me - I can't work in the US because of your employment laws and these people are unlikely to need a stage lighting designer in Scotland - so what is the point?

Helen Stirling

I've made connections in my area which may or may not be useful. you dont know unless you try

Amy Drake

I have connected with many entertainment professionals to work with me on my next project.

Daniel Berkey

Excellent, Amy, as have I. Stage 32 is one of many networking sites that I belong to; I don't spend leisure time on these sites. It's not Facebook. I observe, as I work, as I'm working now on a project, and when I see a conversation or something that may educate me in some aspect of the business, I go for it. I'm not expecting any site to support me or validate me, but the very real possibility exists to find someone or something that I can utilize. It's happened many times.

Daniel Berkey

Andrew, as you've clearly laid out the boundaries of your work, this site may not offer you anything useful. I respect that. For me, it's point has already been made; I found a co-writer/co-producer on a project in New York City, where I live.

Cheryll Thompson Ganzel

Well, Andrew, that was certainly one way to stir the pot and get lots of comments! LOL

Andrew Wilson

Glad it's working for some of you - one day for me maybe. I'm still here! Have a great Christmas everyone!

Andrew Wilson

I'm sure it's a lot more useful if you're in the US too.

Valerie Michele Oliver

Hey Andrew. I forgot to mention that my screenwriting partner that became attracted to the TV series project I posted here on Stage 32 is in the U.K. The production company is also in the U.K. The project has also attracted a novelist/screenwriter/researcher who in Scotland. I live in the U.S. None of this happened overnight. I just had to be patient and wait on what I call "sacred synchronicity" to occur. I couldn't rush or control when the magic team happens. Merry Christmas to you too.

Tammy Gross

Synergy. I love it when people ask WHY?! And I was just as skeptical to start. As a writer I didn't see the point. And there are definitely technical deficiencies in Stage 32's setup. It's not as easy to navigate & control as I would like. But now I'm hoping to produce one of my scripts and I'm going to need talent, staff, crew, etc. Also, I started a contest this year & some of my judges came from Stage 32. Join my network - I hope to put you to work in 2014 & 2015!!!

Doug Nelson

Tammy -You go girl! I'm building an entire film production company locally based on folk I've found on Stage 32. Our first short is in post and we have three scheduled for spring/summer. So yeah - it works, I try not to argue with success but I agree that it could be a little more user friendly.

Bhavnisha Parmar

I was not going to post because I absolutely hate creating negative energy. But sometimes you will do anything for things you value. So here is my two cents; either this is form of attention seeking knowing you would get this sort of reaction or you have no idea what great power the ENERGY in networks (what my fellow friends were saying up there) can create. Bottom line you have definitely ruined your chances of working with all the above and more around the world. Well done.

KaiCarra Kc

Andrew, sometimes the question is not of "why" but "why not?" Let me pose a question for you...or maybe it's more of a challenge. I know the entertainment industry is full of people who have something to prove or something to gain- I've been in it since I was a child. But if you are in this industry, you must be an artist- even if its behind the scenes. You work with light- how beautiful! Why must you pose a question to others that basically asks, "What's in it for me?" Embrace the artist in you, remember who you are. Artists have the privilege of seeing the world in a different way, and communicating that to others-reminding them. My question to you is "What can YOU do to help others find their way, as you find your own?" The Universe listens to that. That small shift in mindset invites amazing opportunity. You just may find yourself in an abundance of work- no matter where you are geographically. God bless. Merry Christmas!

Rick Jey

Networking has and always feeds the beast if we are to survive and collaborate. "What is good for the Goose is good for the Gander". It works!!

Daniel Berkey

If that belief system works for you, Bruce, fine.

Daniel Berkey

Significance and insignificance are relative values we assign, often subjectively, onto our actions. It's a constant flux. There is no absolute significance or insignificance. If you want to think of yourself as insignificant, that's your choice. Fine. But to assign insignificance onto others within the context of the universe is untenable. My own significance has been defined by my actions, having proven successful, in terms of the business, but as for other chapters in my life, perhaps not so. It varies, and as I said, it's relative to circumstance, not governed by any vague, general principle.

KaiCarra Kc

Bruce. Let me remind you that your hostile interchange is just that. An opinion. And everyone has one. And about being special? We ARE ALL SPECIAL. And not one of us is more or less special than the other. Get off your condescending high horse and crush your sour grapes somewhere else.

Rick Jey

In my talent agency where I book all types of talent, I do get the prim donnas. I have to remind them that we have learned that most stars burn out and fade into black holes. It seems to ground them quickly and drives them to make the best out of the best and live each moment. Ego control, I call it.

Rick Jey

My point exactly Bruce. I see that you are familiar with those dense less black holes, also. I can only advise people to keep their head out of the stars and unpredictable universe. "Stay grounded" and keep on keeping on!

Rick Jey

Lol...may the force be with you...And always remember to never spit into the wind or eat yellow snow!! Happy Holidays!! I make my own wine...I could use your talent.

Rick Jey

Ahhh, I was picturing you stomping next seasons grapes. :)) I haven't dwelled into the producer arena, but there are some great one's out there to get your scripts to. I have a life story that should be told and put on screen. I'm looking for a talented writer/screen writer.

Daniel Berkey

Bruce, I was, in effect, echoing your sentiment, sans the vitriol. I don't accept any general belief that draws us all in by an ideological principle. I do, however, maintain a powerful belief in the potency of community, and I think it's also important to express ourselves honestly, then hopefully, after the dust settles, find a linkage whereby we can work together.

Andrew Wilson

Rick you confirm my point exactly!

Rick Jey

Thanks Andrew.

Rick Jey

Daniel...well said!!

KaiCarra Kc

Bruce, you have NO IDEA how many black holes I've navigated. And you ARE a black hole if negative energy. In fact, you're an ass. So am I finally speaking your language? I don't care if you're a talented is people like you that make the world dimmer. Rick, if you want this loser to write something for you- talk about a prima Dona. Count me out. And keep your grape stomping in your own polluted world. I'll espouse my universe ideas anywhere I want. It's a free country you dark, unhappy bitter p$&-k. I may be a Pollyanna about the Universe- but not without reason to back me up-and you Bruce, are an "academic" cerebral waste of energy.

Rick Jey 911

KaiCarra Kc

Ps- Bruce, anyone who quotes a Nazi euphemism, and can't even spell euphemism right? Case. In. Point. You're insignificant because you think you are. No wonder.

KaiCarra Kc

Andrew, perhaps you're right. I'm new to this Stage 32, and if this is anything of what you've experienced, I understand.

James David Sullivan

Oh, can you feel the love? ;-)

KaiCarra Kc

I think we've established The Curmudgeon and I do NOT like each other. Lol. Merry Christmas Everyone! God bless!

Rick Jey

Si Julio

Alfred Nesser

so, are you working?

Randy Brown

Put your cursor on Browse, click on People. In the area where it asks for place type in separately- Edinburgh and Glasgow. You'll find 350 Stage 32 members in one city, 400 in another. Those are 750 people that may be in need or know someone who is in need of a lighting designer. Networking works but most people prefer a cheery co-worker. Hopefully Santa was good to you. Merry Christmas & Cheers!

Rick Jey

Randy that is so cool. That says a lot for Stage 32. Take a bow.

Randy Brown

Just under People in the Browse area is "Projects'. It's an up to the minute cast and crew call for all Stage 32 projects around the world. In the "lounge" area, there are separate areas/posts that discuss almost everything. Since Andrew is in Lighting Design, he may want to follow the discussions (or start one) in Set Design. At the bottom of this page is an icon for Stage 32 Success Stories. There's 174 posts from people who have met up, worked together, found work, sold screenplays etc. to show that Stage 32 is a very positive site. Happy New Year and much success to all in 2014!

Rick Jey

Take a second bow, Randy. You put the cards on the table. Nicely put. I am one of those small success stories. Thanks!

Milt Barlow

Nicely put Rick. Merry Christmas. Milt

Rick Jey

Merry Christmas Milt.

Alfred Nesser

Merry Christmas all!

Randy Brown

Holy crap! A post looking for Lighting Designers in Bolton U.K. was posted 2 days ago. It's in Bolton. I know that it's a 3 hour drive according to Google Maps, but I have travelled that far for film work. So Andrew Wilson- look up - To Clever By Half - posted by Ian Paul Holbrook. Yes Andrew, there is a Santa Claus and he stops by Stage 32. Cheers!

Stephen Foster

I booked a movie that is in the palm springs film festival!

Daniel Berkey

Super cool, Stephen!!

Stephen Foster


Milt Barlow

Good for you Stephen. Looks fun Milt

James David Sullivan

Speaking of villages: "It takes a village to raise an idiot!" ;-)

Andrew Wilson

Randy did you actually read the page you linked to?

Randy Brown

No Andrew Wilson, I did not read the page I presented. It called for a "Lighting Designer", 3 hours or less from your home. I am not here to be your babysitter. Logging in to Stage 32 doesn't automatically mean that you will get paid gigs. It doesn't guarantee you anything. You signed up to Stage 32, 2 weeks ago and thought the concept was rubbish. Balderdash! Stage 32 is what you make of it. I have posted some suggestions as to how you could utilize the site to further your career. I have posted information that you could use to your advantage and to your benefit. If, in the first two weeks, Stage 32 has not met your expectations, I am sorry. It is a site for 'creatives'. It is a site to share information, a site for discussion. If you have not received numerous job offers for being 'negative'- it's not my fault! If the page I linked you to is not for you, you could have said 'thanks but no', you could have said nothing. There are two other posting for the Glasgow area, posted 5 days ago, but again, I am not your babysitter. You are a Lighting Design Specialist, an arrogant man and an a$$hole. I will not try to help you navigate the site anymore. I will not try to help an a$$hole anymore. And I would appreciate it if you crawled back up your own a$$hole and stayed there. And Happy New Year!

Milt Barlow

Come on guys there is 84 yep 84 comments on this guys post...we are giving him publicity he does not deserve...lets just move on to some constructive networking ! Milt

James David Sullivan

Can you feel the love? ;-)

James David Sullivan

@Bruce - do you feel left out? ;-)

Randall Thomasson

Sounds like you're getting a lot of work over there. Why complain here?

Jahmilla Jackson


Andrew Wilson

whereas you sound like a really noice guy! yeah!

Andrew Wilson

So far as I can see projects looking for lighting designers are films with no budget - noting I can see remotely near for stage work. People looking for people to work for nothing or for a promise.

Milt Barlow

Andrew with the greatest respect why don't you just go away. Maybe yo get off with 91 posts..people the BEST way to stop this crap is stop adding to these posts...this is the last time I will do so ...grrr ..Milt

Randy Brown

for Andrew Wilson, who will only complain anyway.... There's a 'meet up' January 3rd. 207 members of people wanting to collaborate on films, networking, sharing job opportunities.

Gavion E. Chandler

Andrew, as for artist networking site Stage32 has impressed with the scope and range of talent here. I have been at other sites that were suppose to be for 'networking and collaborating' and saw little to no fruit to bare. Stage32 is a collective and a great resource. and if you don't introduce yourself and put you and your talents out there, how do you hope to meet artists of like-minds or possibly chance upon a group of individuals or individual where artistic endeavors may develop. All I have ran into here is people who are dedicated to their art and their craft and I am glad to be a part of it. I get encouragement,, advice and I am able to share my talents and my thoughts. Gavion E. Chandler~ 'Man is his own devil.'

James David Sullivan

@Jitendra - Great move! It would really be interesting to see everyone leave FB and leave Mark Zuckerberg high, dry, and broke!

KaiCarra Kc

I rarely do anything on FB now. I still maintain a presence for "brand awareness" but the moment they started charging to communicate to our own fans was the moment I divested. I love Twitter- met some great people there.

Gavion E. Chandler

I use FB within its means, and it is a good tool if you don't get caught up in the silly little games, or the bickering and slinging of attitudes... It allows me to keep in touch with my team and create awareness. It is a general tool. Stage32 has a focus on the arts and once again its scope and range of talents vary from beginner, to novice, to professional, so one can learn, teach, assist and collaborate. I forget the fellow who started this thread by complaining... think his name is Andrew, but anyone can moan and complain about site. I use to belong to ArtBisto which we and a few now know to be 'Art Beastro' because there were people who actually had talent, and it created a circle where those that were serious learned from one another, then it was ruined by 'Myspacers'' and FB mentality and became a popularity contest and a whole lot of drama going on. I left it because of that. That small circle of people I am still in contact with on FB. So again it is what you use it for, rather what you allow it to be. There is no evidence of that here, unless of course you just want to complain.We all are artists here of various talents, skills and each one of us have something to offer.. . This is a good site and no site is perfect. Utopia is a curious word, It is Greek and in its definition states 'the perfect world or place' but in the Greek translation or the breaking down of the word... 'U' - 'NO' 'topia' WORLD, PLACE, EARTH.thus 'NO WORLD', NO PLACE', 'NO EARTH' a place that does not exist... we only think it does or we want it to exist which is a madness in all of itself. So there you have it a paradox of a word where something that sought after in the madness of man that is unattainable.. Think I made my point. Gavion E. Chandler~ 'Man is his own devil.'

James David Sullivan

When FB started requiring you to give them your cell number, that's when I knew MZ was more interested in invading people's privacy than providing a useful service. "Hasta la vista, Baby!"

James David Sullivan

@Gavion - "Nowhere is Now Here" Samuel Butler's "Erewhon" is an almost backwards anagram of "Nowhere" - same concept - place that does not exist.

Gavion E. Chandler

@ James thank you I will put that one in my armory.. as far as i know, I am not required to give my number FB... and yeah I wouldn't like that either. I use the medium as a means to an end. ,

Sally T Pian

Gavion, "Nowhere is Now Here" very astute observation.

Gavion E. Chandler

Can't claim that one but it did follow the logic of 'Utopia' that is suppose to be the perfect world but in Greek translation means, 'no world, no earth, no place.. James Sullivan enlightened me on that one.

James David Sullivan

You probably already gave FB your phone number when you joined. I didn't have to when I set up my FB page, but after a while they wouldn't let me log in without giving them a cell phone number, and that's when I decided I didn't need a FB page any more.

James David Sullivan

I wish I could take credit for "Nowhere/Now Here" - but I can't. I don't know who first said it, but it's an interesting observation.

Randy Brown

bahahahaha! Another project looking for Lighting Tech posted on Stage 32, yesterday in Edinburgh, 2 others in Glasgow posted 6 days ago. Seems like the central belt in Scotland is the place to be for Lighting Crew. That's 4 projects posted in less than a week. I am changing careers and moving to Scotland- and I like Haggis!

KaiCarra Kc

Go for it Randy! Methinks they like to hire positive "creatives" who work well with others.. Perhaps that's the difference.

Rick Jey

Pack your bags! Sometimes we have to go to the mountain. It cannot come to us except metaphorically. :))

James David Sullivan

Are Haggis like the Scottish version of Magis? Or are Haggis more like Craftys? Or more like Menudos? ;-)

James David Sullivan

The real question is, "Do I have the pluck of a sheep?"

Rick Jey

Very humorous. :))

Rick Jey

Networking works. Forget the social inuindos etc.

Rick Jey

Andrew Do you have the shear desire to succeed. :))

James David Sullivan

Yes! In fact, I plan to ram my way to the top!

James David Sullivan

MZ is creating a new network: RatBook: "You Don’t Get To 500 Million Enemies Without (Accidentally) Making A Few Friends" - Ratbook: The Anti-Social Network!

Rick Jey

Good one! Are you like a friend of mine who is from the country where men are men and the sheep know it?

James David Sullivan

I think ewe-r trying to pull the wool down over my eyes! "Fleece not, lest ye be fleeced!"

Rick Jey

I knew I would surely get comment and reaction. I am teary eyed from laughter on your last two postings. Ewe have a good evening at the Inn on the Creek.

Rick Jey

Baaaaa he surely wool. Who ever knewe he had it in him for such a feet.

Gavion E. Chandler

Guys and Gals, This is exactly what Andrew wants us to do, To rant and rave at their nonsense. We know what this site has to offer, and in truth they, and people like them really don't want really true answers. They just want to complain and roll in their misery and bring us down with them. So enough is enough. If they haven't gotten it yet, then most likely they won't get it any time soon. Let them pound their chests and roar! Let them shout into the wind! We all know that it shall come to be no avail. So let's leave them to their misery and let's do art and create rather feed this fire that is nothing more than smoldering ashes, and a chimney of smoke. Gavion E. Chandler~ 'Man is his own devil.'

Jahmilla Jackson

let the church say amennnnnnnnn

Gavion E. Chandler

my apologies Bruce i misunderstood you, but as the thread started out with the original post, but you will always have these people who want to complain, moan and bitch because it is how they get attention. Again sorry misuderstood

Gavion E. Chandler

I edited the comment, but I think it is a valid point that you will always have these 'persons' who will rant and rave and complain just to get attention. So it is best to leave them to do it all on their own.. oh edited the comment.

James David Sullivan

@RJ, @KR Cud ewe be more specific? It's such a bummer when you two try to buck the system! We may get bleated!

Rick Jey

Ha just get better and better. Ewe are something elkse. lol

James David Sullivan

What's that song that Adele sing? "Rumen Has It?" No one can raddle my cage!

Rick Jey

You got it Jim.

Mark Cabaroy

I realized the other day that success is incremental. People always talk about overnight successes and for some it might seem this way but it's really an illusion. If a check shows up at your door one day there's usually a back story where you had to do something to get it. I say this because I've been busy promoting my web series The Invaders and I see each day a couple of new people will like the page or subscribe to the You Tube channel They each gain a couple of people per day, but it requires me to reach out to people everyday. Sometimes this can be exhausting, but that's the process, I guess its like saving money a few dollars here a few dollars there and before you know it you have a few dollars more. (which is a cool Clint Eastwood movie despite him acting like an asshole Republican sometimes) So where was I oh yes so if you haven't liked The Invaders on Facebook don't make a New Year's resolution to do it. Do it now! The same with You Tube, watch subscribe, tell your friends, wash, rinse repeat!

John Lubran

Stream of consciousness only. Intended to provoke an alternative depth of discussion. We work in one of the most oversubscribed sectors in the world. The education industry has been churning out 50,000 new aspirants year on year for nearly two decades for what has been about 1,500 jobs per year. On top of that the auto didactic (self trained) community has probably doubled that number and who are on the whole, in my thirty years if experience, the more likely to succeed. One does not need to be a rocket scientist to extrapolate the subsequent reality created. For most it’s about creating an opportunity or a market from brand new ground or going back to the day job or flipping proverbial burgers to finance fanciful notions. The parallel industries catering to the Walter Mitty aspect inherent in our industry go under the disguise of helpful constructs such as shooting people and indeed stage 32. That’s not to say that these outfits don’t help because they do, but only for a very small number of their members. Several people have pointed out that films are almost always a collaborative process, which is true, and that such outfits provide a networking place for those collaborations to develop, which they do, but again only for a few. But even for those few only a very small percentage of them result in a viable project. Nevertheless even non viable projects may be deemed to be worthwhile for other reasons. There’s a truism that film making is more often a pastime for young toffs or struggling paupers with nothing to lose than for people who can actually make a living at it. Another truism is that for those aspiring to be producers, directors and/or principle creatives the success rate is even smaller. Really good creative technicians such as multitasking camera, sound and editors who are also creative business entrepreneurs have the best chances, as a percentage of industry aspirants. For most, the days of the one trick professional are passing. The dichotomy is the relative value of a good script or the talents of a particular actor or composer as passionately championed here by those who perform those tasks, compared with the producer. They are often to be found complaining that they are not valued enough. The reality is though that getting the money and everything else together required to make a worthwhile film is often far more challenging than any other part of it. For every truly capable producer there are literally hundreds of talented writers, actor etc.,etc. Producers always choose the talent, who only rarely chose the producer. If one accepts the basic premise suggested above then it is more likely than not that the critical analysis questioning the worthwhile mutuality of networking within this forum as touched upon by the original poster has some statistical factual truth in it and is therefore a reasonable and not entirely a non secitur observation to offer this forum. If one could wave a magic wand that could predict which networking invitation is in fact a total waste of time and energy then such a forum would have huge benefits, unfortunately much of it will prove to be a red herring of only limited life educational benefit.

Marc Sigoloff

I'm new here, but I imagine Stage 32 won't work for you with that attitude. I have high hopes here, and I plan to use it to recruit actors for a movie that hopefully will go into production in 2014. I have been sending out network requests to actors living in my area as a starter.

Len Auclair

Now that I'm an old fart over the hill, who can pretend to be a writer, who writes one page of dialogue a day--hey wait!--isn't that how movies are made? A page a day? Excuse me, as Woody Allen said--it's the greatest job in the world, you can wear your PJ's all day long and not comb your hair...Ok, back to work...with or without Stage 39...?

Mark Cabaroy

Stage 32 is like shouting out into the dark. If you are in a large space and you call out "Hello!" and no one answers you back then after a while you'll stop trying. If you call out and someone yells back then you might start a conversation. Well, that what all social media is like, if you get reactions back from your post, if people like you. Then you keep at it, it's a popularity contest really that's why so many people who write things like "I'm a producer and I have money for you!" get so many responses as opposed to I'm an actor looking for work or a writer looking for help get so few. Its sort of like High School if you're not one of the cool kids you don't like it.

James David Sullivan

It's about some Canducks who keep sneaking into the US! It's a scary thought! ;-)

Angelina Carkic

James, I like this. Make it a comedy like 'Canadian Bacon" and you'll have a hit!

James David Sullivan

How about "Six Degrees of Canadian Bacon" - the loser is the one with the fewest connections to Bruce! ;-)

James David Sullivan

@Bruce - that was A GOOD ONE! LMAO-ON THE FLOOR!

Sally T Pian

That's clever.

Keverne Eason Mapp

But's like walking into a party without any booze,you've parked your car on double yellow lines,your girlfriend is already in the party and getting drunk and chatted up by a suave director,the bouncer looks at your scruffy jacket and worn out shoes as you burp your desire to enter....looking over his shoulder you sneer at a colourful array of young talented and passionate crowd,all exchanging ideas and energy,older experienced guest are raising their glasses to the group of actresses and actors who're showing off their reels with pride..........but all you show us is two photos,a dried slice of haggis and a whisky glass that's cracked with the stains of froth from cheap beer..........of course this place called Stage32 is a stage,here we perform,take risks and open up our hearts,even if everyone is not at the same levels........we share! So hands out of your pockets,off with that scruffy jacket and get yer knees up laddie........otherwise the bouncer is going to have to kindly suggest that you go home and get dressed for the occasion......and brush your teeth because here there's alot of smiling!

Cole McLeod

It's a lot faster/cheaper than jumping on planes and hoping you meet everybody

Cole McLeod

And thanks to you Andrew Wilson, I've just connected with even more higher self-realized people, you wily wizard, you.

Keverne Eason Mapp

Why question 'Hope'?..... So easy to hurl insults as you stuff popcorn in your mouth from a cheap seat high up in the drafty stands.......we're on the pitch,we are the 'Players',we lose some,we try to win,we win some.....and we remember our team,our fans....and all who helped us on the way up that slippery ladder to simply get a glimpse of success!

Rick Jey

Stage 32 can only do so much. I got the lead here but had to naturally follow up on everything. Stage 32 is a vehicle for information, networking, and sharing everything in the field of entertainment whether by pen or on stage/set that a person in the field of entertainment might want to share or question.

Rick Jey

I agree with that 100%. Thankfully I am signed with Images Agency where I audition face to face with top agents and directors on a monthl basis. You do not get that personerable opportunity on Stage 32.

Randall Thomasson

I think the first response to this post was the best. :^) I personally didn't know what to expect when I joined Stage 32. But so far it's been very interesting and I have no negatives to say. And it's been fun contributing to the 'Anything Goes' thread started by Deborah Weed. Writer Michael Citak has contributed the bulk of the story and who knows, it may just turn into something. If it did I would be thrilled just to receive a credit if that ever happened. We are currently talking with Darla Rae (look her up on IMDB) about our screenplay and this contact came through our efforts of sending out hundreds of query letters. She actually called our house and talked to my girlfriend for about an hour. This alone was amazing. We are keeping our fingers crossed that it may go beyond that, but we are also prepared for a rejection, which we've kinda gotten used to. Effort Equals Results :^)

Mark Cabaroy

For my current project The Invaders I used non local talent. I live in New York but found actors in New Jersey, the guy who did the visuals effects (which are pretty cool you should check them out) lives in England, the storyboard artist is in Florida and the craft services people are in China! (I'll admit that last choice was not very practical, I should have used someone nearby, but people kept saying they were hungry and Chinese food is cheap) The fact is film making and business as a whole is going global. We are no longer tethered to local talent much of what we do in terms of development, preproduction, post production and business planning can be done on line and is often cheaper to hire it out overseas. Especially @Andrew Wilson music you simply don't need to meet face to face.

Rick Jey

Cool Mark! It's a big big world realistically now.

Gavion E. Chandler

@ Keverne wonderfully and charmingly put and to point of the matter. Thank you for the smile. Gavion E. Chandler~ 'Man is his own devil.'

KaiCarra Kc

Are we still here? Lol

Cole McLeod

Hope you got a little love here Andrew Wilson! You just have to be looking in the right places. Can't give you a map, only ideas. Like Randy Brown described; Browse/People or Projects/Location near you, or not near you. Travel might be magic. And well thought out keyword searches. Ask people you think might be expert at a certain thing you know you're not quite astute in, throw ego aside, long enough for help, anyway - and get your spirits up - it's better for you. Hang in there. Cole

Sally T Pian

a spoonful of wisdom with warmth :-)

Andy Pratt

all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy

Len Auclair

"The fault, dear Brutus, lies not in the stars, but in ourselves. We are the underlings." Thus, the need for Stage 32--(or would you rather ruminate down at the pub...)--?

Mark Cabaroy

Ow pub pub I chose pub!

Gavion E. Chandler

do they have Irish Beer.. if so then I am there.

Cole McLeod

Milt, you are wide of the point entirely; Most of the comments - you're COUNTING them? -aren't even about Andrew's post - and those that actually refer to it, simply joined the mob that wants to run'im out on a rail. A handful (not including you) see his complaint for what it is; a complaint. That's not a crime. Randy, looking like a knight on a horse here, actually gave the constructive help and even some tough love that was needed, and Andrew is now being helped, and in friendly ongoing conversations with several industrious creatives here.

Shawn Schepps

Where is Randy? I need a knight on a white horse who will run me out of town on a rail.

KaiCarra Kc

Don't beat up on Milt. ;) Milt is a good guy. I think this is a dead thread.

Rick Jey

Yes. There are better conversations happening rather than concentrating on trying to convince someone why he might support Stage 32.

Milt Barlow

Ha Hero KaiCarra

Mario Leone

What you focus on grows. If you cant see potential then you won't find it.

HannahFaith Rader

10 points to Mario. I love that!!

Rich Pulin

I do! I think about it..even in my sleep! Who's in her network? Is she in mine or vice versa! This is real important stuff!

Mark E Clason

Well, theoretically, it's supposed to get people working. Hasn't happened for me yet. My work has all come from other sources. So, prove me wrong and HIRE ME for your next VO project. {=0)

Rick Jey

Yes, you definitely have to get out and shake a few bushes to flush out the available work.

Mario Leone

Prove you wrong. In this business, if your not networking then you dont't know the concept of "people who know people, who know people." Social networking can be viral. What you focus on grows. If you cant see potential then you won't find it. The glass half full perceptually is half full. Then this becomes a filter for what you see in the world. When the glass becomes half full, this too is that same filter. Your beliefs are the lens in which you see the world. So if it does work for you. Then maybe you need to learn more about it and enjoy it's process. If it does not work for you, try another venue. We paint with different hues in our reality. The hues are called beliefs. You get what you put into it. The beliefs paint your reality. Period. What you put into it you will get out of it. Things don't just "work" on the internet with out effort.

Michael J. Citak this is one of the things we've created thanks to Stage32

Rick Jey

Mmmm great!!!

Victor Stapelberg

I found three valuable opportunities here on One and Indie from Hollywood full length feature shot in Vancouver and one short finalist at TIFF 2013. Just check my profile.

Claudia Buckley

I booked the lead in a great Indie film from this it's definitely a good site

Stephen Foster

I booked a role in "hidden hills" and 2 webseries from Stage 32. maybe your not using it to your advantage

Victor Stapelberg

I booked three movies via Stage32 as per my reel and profile one making the finals 10 in the Short selection in Toronto TIFF 2013, one Hollywood Indie shot in Vancouver now distributed in many countries especially Asia and Middle East and one very fun video for a wine festival The BEST SITE in the market and without add what a treasure!! Thank you Stage32 !

Rick Jey

I agree can be a useful tool in finding work and whatever contact you are looking for.

Victor Stapelberg

You don't have to there is no obligation..just move on..But I say and I have proof that is works for those who show real interest. But if life keeps you busy and you don't want more attention keep busy at what you are doing. No one will mind. But with the Internet opportunities abound.

Varun Prabhu

Wow...somehow trolls manage to penetrate every networking site..if you felt that Stage32 was a useless site why join at all? And if you still feel that it is not worth its salt, why stay? Here is a piece of advice: Take your negativity out and let others network in peace.

Alfred Nesser

Hi, Varun. Middle management psychology puts other people down in order to get their "slaves" to do more for less. A low self-esteem, regardless of the acclaims and achievements one may have attained to, their middle management psychology will always flavor their work with oppressive themes coloring their entire works. Occasionally they will get out of the way, in order to let their underlings shine, but be assured, they will always return to grab the credit for their own personal glory. God hears the cry of your heart, Varun. Be encouraged!

Angelina Carkic

Well said Varun! "Wow...somehow trolls manage to penetrate every networking site..if you felt that Stage32 was a useless site why join at all? And if you still feel that it is not worth its salt, why stay?"

Gavion E. Chandler

In truth folk, it doesn't matter what you say, or how you try to justify the value of this site to this man. Responding to his pointless thread of insistent ravings that has no other point than bringing attention to himself. So let him stew in his own misery and contribute to threads that will benefit others and actually have a goal and purpose in mind. I have said my peace. Gavion E. Chandler~ 'Man i s his own devil.'

Varun Prabhu

Yes, agreed....let the troll let loose his shenanigans....We can just ignore him, and then he will by himself go back to his den from whence he came. :D

Angelina Carkic

Welcome Varun

Angelina Carkic

This industry depends on collaboration and support. Doesn't he realize he's 'shooting himself in the foot'?

Rick Jey

Some people are self destructive and thrive on negativizm or maybe he is smart enough to know from the begining that such a statement would bring him on going comments FOREVER. Let it die on the vine.

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