OTT & Transmedia : Good wishes needed! by Elaine Haygood

Elaine Haygood

Good wishes needed!

Hey guys!

C2E2 is next April, and I NEED to have Book 1 of my graphic novel adaptation of my script, "And The Coming Of Nighttime, " completed by the middle of next month so I can get it to my Beta Readers by the beginning of December.

I have 32 pages pretty much done, but I have at least 57 more to go.

This isn't impossible, but I'm a SLOW artist, which is why you're not likely to see me working for Marvel, DC, etc.

Here's a preview of the page I'm currently working on.

And yes, ALWAYS interested to hear what people think.

Ashley Renee Smith

Positive thoughts coming your way!

Sam Sokolow

Just believe and breath - you got this!

Maurice Vaughan

Congratulations on your progress, Elaine Haygood! I like the art style and humor. Rooting for you to reach your goal! You got it!

Debbie Elicksen

@elaine, you got this.

Geoff Hall

Elaine Haygood that’s good work, Elaine. Keep focused, create excellence. And like Debbie said, “you got this”.

Elaine Haygood

Awwwwww! Thanks, guys! I'm now on page 34 with the art for panel 1 pretty much done.

Part of the challenge right now is working on keeping that balance between humor and maintaining that dark and dreadful atmosphere.

Anyway, here's page 33. I might add a bit more blood. But, that will depend on what the Betas think.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Elaine Haygood. I like the additions, and I think you balance the humor and the dark and dreadful atmosphere well.

Elaine Haygood

Maurice Vaughan thank you. I gave my assistant an overview of the story yesterday and she seemed sufficiently spooked by it which made me smile.

My inspiration comes from all those old Universal horror films which a lot of folks don't realize had some really great comedic moments.

I sometimes think people forget that Horror and Drama work best when you inject a bit of humor into them and vice-versa.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Elaine Haygood. The classic Universal Horror films like "Dracula," "Frankenstein," etc.?

Yeah, Horror and Drama work best when you inject a bit of humor into them and vice-versa. Straight Horror and straight Drama can be too draining for the audience.

Ashley Renee Smith

Absolutely, Elaine Haygood! Suspense can build even stronger if you occasionally release the tension with a laugh. It lulls the audience back into comfort before building towards a scare again.

Terrence Sellers

Good luck. Everyone wants things faster than is practical lol. I need to write 6 more chapters of a novel by the end of December.

Gloire Martins

This is really impressive, and I don't think you're a slow artist I think you're just adaptive and curious. It doesn't matter how long it takes but for a work like this,mistakes and glitches would totally mess it up. And plus no one is super human, just relax and enjoy what you do and that will give you the speed you need but over thinking and looking at the calendar will only make you slower.Good luck:)

Elaine Haygood

Thanks guys! I'm currently on page 35. I have to finish her earring and then on to page 36.

And, after talking with my Business Counselor, it looks like I won't be done til just before Yuletide ( Christmas ).

Anyhoo. Once I'm closer to being done. I'll be looking for Beta Readers. If anyone thinks they might be interested, let me know.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, @Elaine Haygood. Congratulations on the progress! What page are you on now?

Elaine Haygood
  1. I've finished the art on panel 1. Have the flats for panel 2 done and once panel 3's art is all done. I'll add the dialogue and narration.

    I'll post an update next week.

Maurice Vaughan

Congratulations, @Elaine Haygood! Looking forward to the update!

Elaine Haygood

Page 38 is DONE!

Sam Sokolow

David Fincher's new movie THE KILLER is based on a graphic novel. You're gonna get it done, Elaine Haygood. Believe in yourself and your work. It's really cool and I'm excited to see where you take this.

PolyD Flynt

what software are you working in? I'm just using photoshop and paper + 2b and b pencils. I'm doing comics as well. I'm pencilling both of them. trying to get an inker/colourist to do my first strip collection at 28pgs, but I'm a slow penciller. And my other one I'm faster with mecha so it's all mecha a webcomic series free via insta. details on my

Terrence Sellers

Sam Sokolow Didn't know The Killer was based on a graphic novel. Honestly, I was pretty disappointed by the movie in terms of plot. Does the plot of the movie stick to the graphic novel closely, or does it deviate significantly?

Geoff Hall

Elaine Haygood how’s it going, Elaine?

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