Emerson College

Emerson College

Emerson College

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At least 255 Stage 32 members have attended Emerson College:
Victoria Locke

Victoria Locke

Director and Editor from New Haven, Connecticut
Marisa Liza Pell

Marisa Liza Pell

Author, Host/Presenter and Theatrical Producer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Jason Clarke

Jason Clarke

Location Scout and Screenwriter from Orono, Maine
Sara McDermott Jain

Sara McDermott Jain

Director, Editor and Screenwriter from New York City, New York
Adam Lippe

Adam Lippe

Screenwriter, Director and Subtitler from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Veronica Belmont

Veronica Belmont

Producer, Voice Artist and Other from San Francisco, California
Kate Cavenagh

Kate Cavenagh

Choreographer and Dancer from Hartford, Connecticut
Monique Alvarado

Monique Alvarado

Actor, Comedian and Crafty from Cambridge, Massachusetts
Emil Lamprecht

Emil Lamprecht

Host/Presenter, Producer and Other from Berlin, Germany
David M. Lucas

David M. Lucas

Screenwriter from Boston, Massachusetts
Dave Satkowski

Dave Satkowski

Voice Artist from Rahway, New Jersey
Laura Sisskin Fernández

Laura Sisskin Fernández

Actor, Comedian and Director from Brooklyn, New York
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