Anything Goes

A free and open forum. The place to discuss anything on your mind film, television and theater related…or not.

Liked by Maurice Vaughan

Sergio Cardenas
I’ve learned to not be impulsive

Out of deference, I won’t specify or go into complete detail as much as possible; let’s just say I received a message from a stranger I’ve never met who turned out to be a very important figure. He had found about me and personally sent me a message asking if I’d be interested in reading “an advance...

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Maurice Vaughan

Great lesson to learn, Sergio Cardenas! And very useful for this industry!

Sergio Cardenas

Thank you for seeing it that way, Maurice. A successful rapport requires trust that is EARNED to both parties and from vice versa. I hope that makes sense haha. Lol

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Sergio Cardenas. Yeah, you're right.

I used to jump at every opportunity/job I saw, but I got burned out so fast that way. Now, I stop and think before I go after an opportunity/job to...

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Liked by Maurice Vaughan and one other

Harri-Pekka Virkki
”Sumer Pieces” by Howtokillagraffiti at Urban Spree June 1st 2024

Sumer Pieces » opens the next chapter in the artist’s journey, a focus on medium-sized works and most importantly, a reconnection with graffiti as a form of freedom, as a necessity to break the rules and affirm the indelible presence of graffiti in painting.

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"POLYPTYCHONSZ" is the first solo show of the Berlin painter HOWTOKILLAGRAFFITI with the gallery. POLYPTYCHONSZ is the outcome of a 4-month winter residency at Urban Spree, and presents a new series o…
Susanne Palm

Interesting! Berlin has so many great exhibitions and shows!

Harri-Pekka Virkki

Yes Susanne! I Love Berlin! Great vibes! Urban Spree is one of my favorite galleries. Thanks for commenting!

Geoff Hall
AI and the Meta-verse

And it came to pass that the black hole that is AI, thinks it has the ‘legitimate interest’ to use my personal information to develop its products. Me, not being a friend of The Man, wants to give it a stiff middle finger.

Whilst I’m told I can object, please note the email says, “If your objection...

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Maurice Vaughan

I'm glad I canceled my Facebook page a long time ago, Geoff Hall.

Arthur Charpentier

Don't worry, there are Google and Microsoft that can copy your texts from Google Docs and Microsoft Office.

Geoff Hall

Maurice Vaughan I feel like doing the same thing, Maurice, but it’s my only contact with a lot of people around the world. catch 22!

Maurice Vaughan

Ah, the notorious Catch 22, Geoff Hall. I might write a script about it one day. Probably a Comedy.

Jed Power

Maurice,Iif you have ever uploaded a script to ANY site, it is already off in the ether and captured by A. I., along with Government and business entities, i think!

Florin Şumălan
I don't receive Stage 32 email notification messages

Hello. Maybe some of you encountered this problem and know what to do about it.

I was receiving in the Yahoo mail some messages which I considered were spam, so I selected and sent those to spam, but I think I selected also many other messages that were not spam. I found all those messages in the Spa...

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Maurice Vaughan

I'm not sure how to fix it, Florin Şumălan, but if you don't get an answer on your post, email Technical Support (

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Richard Fitzwilliams
Is Atlas the worst film ever made?

This is terrible. Surely J Lo deserves another Razzie. You can't watch this movie. AI couldn't have created a film as bad as this How do I recover? Its number 1 on Netflix.

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Richard Fitzwilliams. I’m a Stage 32 Lounge Moderator. I wanted to let you know that I moved your post from the Filmmaking/Directing Lounge to the Anything Goes Lounge. The Anything Goes Lounge is...

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Clark Tolleson

I hope all of you meet your goals this week!!! :D

Sydney Summers

Thank you Clark, you as well :) What are you currently working on?

Clark Tolleson

Sydney Summers I've got some promotional projects on my plate at my full-time gig and I'm writing and revising scripts for a mini-series I'm working on in my free time. :)

Sydney Summers

That is very cool Clark! Best of luck to you this week :) If you ever have any education related questions I am here!

Geoff Hall

Clark Tolleson the week is going well, Clark and several goals have been met. Thanks for asking.

Geoff Hall

Clark Tolleson PS you have ‘free time’, Clark. There must be something wrong there! ;-)

Geoff Hall
The Highest Grossing Indie Films

This is an interesting list. I've seen all of the films listed save for two, My Big Fat Greek Wedding had no appeal to me. Rom-Coms just don't do it for me. And then there's Billy Jack (1971) - hands up if you've ever heard of it? Maybe it was an American phenomenon?

Oh yes, then there's a little gli...

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10 Highest-Grossing Indie Films of All Time, Ranked
10 Highest-Grossing Indie Films of All Time, Ranked
Although indie films are typically less commercially successful than mainstream movies, the genre has still produced several high-grossing films.
Arthur Charpentier

Thank you very much, Maurice Vaughan.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Arthur Charpentier.

Sam Sokolow

My older brother loved Billy Jack so I watched it a few times as a kid. The movie that made me want to start writing movies was Double Indemnity. Its a classic but the script blew my mind.

Geoff Hall

Sam Sokolow I wonder if Billy Jack was an American phenomenon that didn’t make the arduous journey across the pond, Sam?

Stephanie Munch

Never heard of Billy Jack Geoff Hall but it got me curious!

Lark Anderson
New Hampshire Film Festival

Did anyone go? I live in Southern New Hampshire and I want to hear your thoughts on it.

This Unbelievably Bizarre Modeling Casting Call Happened To Me

This Unbelievably Bizarre Modeling Casting Call Happened To Me

Have you ever experienced a bizarre audition or go-see? If so, share it with us so we can learn from you.

Maurice Vaughan

That is bizarre, Aaron Marcus.

Geoff Hall

Aaron Marcus truly strange. From Happy Feet to Friendly Feet!

John Michael German
Memorial Day!


"It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived.". - George S. Patton

Thankful for your roads.

God Bless,

John German...

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Kevin Hager

God Bless America.

Maurice Vaughan

Happy Memorial Day!

Tim Bragg
Written Pitch.

Does anybody have a sample written pitch that they have used to pitch their film that I can look at? I am not sure how I should do a written pitch.

Keith Curran

I signed up to submit a written pitch, BUT NOW I CANNOT FIND IT! Keith Curran

Keith Curran


Claude Gagne

I was told you write like you would be face to face with a producer in an elevator. Be prepared not to stutter at a question. You should be able to breathe life in you story. I don't know, I was told this. Maybe someday, I will. Be prepared.

Keith Curran

I even paid already!

Robert Kiesling
The Media Bosses Battling AI: A Dystopian Tale of Resistance and Capitulation

In a world where artificial intelligence (AI) has infiltrated every corner of the media industry, the landscape is starkly divided. On one side, media moguls wage a desperate battle against the encroaching tide of AI, fearing the loss of jobs, creativity, and control. On the other, some have chosen...

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