Financing / Crowdfunding : What the Heck Are Co-Productions Anyway? by Jack Binder

Jack Binder

What the Heck Are Co-Productions Anyway?

Co-Production can be a confusing term and has multiple meanings in the world of film and tv production and film finance. In general, when referring to co-productions, the meaning is two or more co-production treaty nation's producers collaborating on the finance and production of a film or show.

Co-productions can be official or non-official (the US does not have a co-production treaty with any nation). The overall inference is the parties bring financing and distribution from their geographic territory. Quite common for example is a European tv distribution deal, teamed up with perhaps a Canadian theatrical producer/distributor. They can take on many different forms.

There are production location requirements, finance and distribution contribution elements regulations from each territory.

These deals are complex and creating the budget for these types of projects is quite challenging and takes a great deal of experience.

Here is a good article on the subject of Co-Productions from Media Services: Worldwide is a dedicated solutions provider having created 100s of such global co-production film budget and schedule packages for fellow filmmakers, the major Hollywood studios, mini-majors, independent production companies, investors, film finance funds, and their own productions as well.

Going Global With International Co-Productions - Media Services
Going Global With International Co-Productions - Media Services
Working in the film business wouldn't be as thrilling as it is without there being some challenges and uncertainties as well, regardless of the size of your production. Of course, independent filmmake…
Sam Sokolow

This recent Stage 32 webinar is focused on working with sales agents but Elizabeth touches on how co-productions come together - here's a link so you can check it out:

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks for explaining what a Co-Production is and sharing the article, Jack Binder. Company logos are shown during the opening credits of a movie. Sometimes there are a lot of companies. Does it really take that many companies to produce some movies?

Jack Binder

Thank you Maurice. Yes, this is precisely why you see so many credits on independent, especially foreign (international) productions opening credits.

Producers pull together film financing from multiple sources: government funds, film tax incentives, grants, distribution, and finance partners. The industry nickname has been "Euro-Pudding" acknowledging the multiples of partners brought together to fund and distribute the production.

As European and other international producers and nations have not had the resources to fully finance large productions, for example extensive corporate and private equity pockets, they have historically funded production in this manner, cobbling together contributions from numerous entities. (I'll do another post on why there are so many producers listed on projects as I get that question a lot.)

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Jack Binder. Thanks for explaining. "Euro-Pudding." Great name! Ok, looking forward to the other post. I tried to produce two features way back. I could've really used the information you're posting. I'm sure your posts will help new producers who are on here.

Rich Allen

I am looking for help financing and producing a feature Comedy at 1-5 Mil production in RI and Quebec Canada - I am seeking co productions and/or co-producers.

Karen "Kay" Ross

LOVE this! Thank you so much, Jack Binder!

Sam Sokolow

Really valuable post - great for people to get a better understanding of this model that we hear about almost every day. Thanks, Jack Binder!

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