Your Stage : How to cancel? by Abby Casey

Abby Casey

How to cancel?

How do I cancel this subscription?

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Abby Casey. You can cancel your Writers' Room subscription by going to the Writers' Room portal page ( and scrolling down to "Manage Plan" on the left-hand side.

Abby Casey

I just did this. There is nothing to scroll down to - no "Manage Plan" section.

Abby Casey

There is nothing but these Posts.

Abby Casey

At the top, it asks what I want to do next but there is no choice to cancel. I scrolled to the bottom of these posts and there is nothing. The Help page only has set FAQs and none of them are how to cancel.

Abby Casey

There is no number to call, no email to write (except for technical questions).

Abby Casey

I typed "Manage Plan" in the Search and it took me to more posts

Maurice Vaughan

Are you on a computer or your phone, Abby Casey? You need to be on a computer to see "Manage Plan" on the Writers' Room portal page. If you're not able to get on a computer to cancel your subscription, email to cancel it.

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