On Writing : New project discussion by Paul Antonucci

New project discussion

I've recently completed a 98000 word novel manuscript for a military thriller called the eastern range which I'm hoping to traditionally publish by a literary agent. I was wondering if anyone out there knows any agents or film professionals that would be interested in such a project. I'd be happy to discuss it with anyone who's interested

Sam Sokolow

Sounds like an epic piece. Congratulations on such a big accomplishment!

Mark Huffman

Congrats on finishing the manuscript! It’s the hardest part, for sure. If you haven’t gone to agentquery.com, that’s where I would recommend starting. You can search for agents filtered by what genres they want, and their preferred methods of querying will all be listed.

Anthony McBride

Paul Antonucci I was in the U.S. Army and write military-themed projects. Let me know if you need help.

Maurice Vaughan

98,000 is a lot of words to write, Paul Antonucci! Congratulations on finishing your manuscript!

Anthony McBride

Paul Antonucci I'm in Koreatown.

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