Post-Production : Webinar! How To Maximize Post-Production Before You Start Shooting by Sydney Summers

Sydney Summers

Webinar! How To Maximize Post-Production Before You Start Shooting

Stage 32 is excited to welcome Stephen Van Vuuren. In this exclusive Stage 32 webinar, you will learn everything you need to know to nail the post-production of your feature film or short film, even on a tight budget. You will learn how to master the key decisions that are made early in pre-production about cameras, lenses, frame rate, aspect ratios, color formats, sound, VFX and more to ensure your film is of the highest quality possible when it's finally finished.

PLUS! You’ll receive the “The Ten Technical Commandments of Independent Filmmaking” PDF that will help you check your productions for every possible distribution outlet at the very highest levels of quality.

Stephen V. Stone

Thanks Sydney! I'm honored to present this webinar to Stage 32 and worked hard to pack it with very useful, practical and easy-to-understand information. Hopefully have a some fun too.

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