Producing : 24 HOUR Filmmaking by Fran Harris

Fran Harris

24 HOUR Filmmaking

If a producer offered to fund OR produce your film with the caveat that it HAD to be shot in 24 hours, what would be your BIGGEST concern regarding getting it done in 24 hours?

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Fran Harris. My biggest concern would be safety/getting the movie filmed in 24 hours in a safe way for everyone.

Dan MaxXx

The producer is a P O S. Walk away

Maurice Vaughan

If it's a feature, I agree, Dan MaxXx. Walk away. If it's a short, I think 24 hours is enough time to film the movie safely, depending on how long the short needed to be.

Warren Eig

Is it a short? By the way, the original Little Shop of Horrors was shot in 48 hours.

A feature in 24 hours? Unless it is one continuous take and you had a few weeks to rehearse and block, it is a disaster waiting to happen.

Fran Harris

Maurice Vaughan

Your comment didn't show up, Fran Harris.

Fran Harris

thanks Maurice Vaughan that’s the 3rd time my comments have vanished!

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Fran Harris. Tech Support might be able to help with your comments vanishing. My comments haven't vanished before, but I like to copy my comments after typing them so I can repost the comments in case anything happens, like if my internet cuts off. That might help if your comments vanish.

Hayward Crawford

48 hour film competitions are crazy, 24 hours oohh weee lol

Sam Sokolow

Post production would be my biggest worry in that time frame. I'd want to be done shooting in under 8 hours and have 16 to cut, color correct, do some sound mixing and deliver. But would be a kick to give it a shot.

Craig D Griffiths

Casting. I have some single location, nearly single room screenplays. But it would take three good actors to get it all together.

I’d have a second unit capture the other side of some conversations.

I would grade everything and then throw a cut together.

0-4 rehearsal and blocking.

5-12 First unit stuff

13-17 second unit

18-20 grading and assembly

21-24 the edit and rendering.

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