Screenwriting : Good Things Come to Those Who Wait..... for an Entire YEAR. by Bill Brock

Bill Brock

Good Things Come to Those Who Wait..... for an Entire YEAR.

Hello, "Fancy-Shmancy Hollywood Writin' People that Make the Good-Lookin' Screen Stars Talk."

So? Tell me. What's your longest duration taken to complete a feature screenplay? My latest nominated work, HORROR-FEST, took 34 days... out of one year. This being my eighth feature script, it's the first time in my writing "career" where I continued to leave it, then return to it, only to leave it once again. Like a worthless husband / more worthlesser father with a beer gut pushing nine months, who announces to wifey and their brood--  "I'll be back. Just headin' out to get some cigarettes." 

Trust me, the 34 days were scattered all over the place. At times, I failed to show my ugly mug at Script Club Zero for weeks and sometimes, months on end. Fortunately, suffering from the chronic medical condition, "Dragging Feet" (or should I say hands?) definitely paid off-- Two nominations attached to my first two competition submissions-- 2024 Santa Barbara (News arrived via email yesterday.) and the 2024 Block Island Film Festival. 

The takeaway: Drag your feet. Sometimes they represent the most intelligent part of your body.

Maurice Vaughan

Congratulations on "Horror-Fest" being a Finalist, Bill Brock! I think the longest it took me to finish a script was a few months. I probably worked on other projects while I wrote that script since that's something I usually do, unless I'm on a deadline.

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