Screenwriting : Upcoming 4-part screenwriting class! How to Master the Art of Dialogue with Writing Exercises by Sydney Summers

Sydney Summers

Upcoming 4-part screenwriting class! How to Master the Art of Dialogue with Writing Exercises

Stage 32 is excited to welcome Brian Herskowitz for his upcoming class where you will learn to master the art of dialogue. This course has interactive assignments for each week!

Here's a breakdown of each week below.

Week 1- Explaining Dialogue

What is Dialogue?

What does dialogue do?

How to use dialogue to propel your story forward?

A glossary of terms.

Assignment: Write a character bio that affects your characters' dialogue (voice).

Week 2- Authenticity in Voice

What makes dialogue stand out?

How to make the voice of the character Authentic via dialogue.

Elevating the character with dialogue.

Examples of good (and) bad dialogue from movies.

Assignment: Identify dialogue from your writing that is weak and rework them.

Week 3- Exposition

What Is Exposition?

How does reducing exposition affect page count?

How to avoid cringe-worthy and "clunky" dialogue?

Workshop pages in class.

Assignment: Identify exposition in your screenplay. Rework those pages

Week 4- Subtext

How dialogue and character lead to scene work.

What is subtext?

How to implement subtext?

Examples of subtext from films.

Q&A with Brian

Assignment: Identify scenes where subtext can infuse more tension.


Email with any questions!

Class sign up link:

Brian Herskowitz

I am looking forward to working with all the writers in the class. Let me know if you have any questions.

Ewan Dunbar

Great topic to discuss! Especially looking into subtext. Using dialogue with this kind of purpose can really give a script added depth without over complicating things.

Brian Herskowitz

Excellent points, Ewan.

Jim Newton

This has always been my weakness.

Brian Herskowitz

Well, Jim, Like anything, recognizing that it's a weakness helps you on the journey to fix the issue., so welcome aboard!

Sydney Summers

Looking forward to the class beginning tomorrow!

Brian Herskowitz

Good class today! Please let me know if you have any questions.

Michael Elliott

Well done, Brian. Looking forward to the remaining sessions.

Patrice Dean-Escoto

Loved the class...looking forward to the next sessions.

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