Stage 32 Success Stories

Find work or representation? Cast your film or project? Secure funding? Made a career altering connection? Maybe Stage 32 just kept you in the game?!

Help others in the community by sharing how you used Stage 32 to find success!

Jill Godley

Great read!

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Nick.

Alejandro Marello

but we, the first members and the most traveled, will be the most beloved ones :)=

Sydney Summers


Ashley Renee Smith

It's so exciting!!!

Stage 32 Job Alert
Voice Actor hired through Stage 32 Jobs

Kat Leroy, a Voice Actor from Praha, Czech Republic was just hired for the project titled "Voice actors wanted for indie production ". Congratulations!

Sam Mannetti

Congrats Kat!!

Morne Patterson

Whoop whoop congrats!

Nick Waters

Big congrats!!!

Ashley Renee Smith

Congratulations, Kat!

Emily J

Congrats Kat!

Stage 32 Job Alert
Director hired through Stage 32 Jobs

Kirk W. Murray, a Director from Los Angeles, California was just hired for the project titled "Collaborating!!!". Congratulations!

Maurice Vaughan

Congratulations, Kirk!!!

Ashley Renee Smith

Congratulations, Kirk!

Sydney Summers

Congrats Kirk, best of luck to you on your upcoming project!

Mathias Rat


GiGi Raines

Awesome! Congratulations

Stage 32 Job Alert
Screenwriter hired through Stage 32 Jobs

Scott Sawitz, a Screenwriter from Grayslake, Illinois was just hired for the project titled "Collaborating!!!". Congratulations!

Christopher J. Bounds


Barton L Richman

Congrats Scott!

Nick Waters


Marcel Nault Jr.

Congratulations, Scott!

Sydney Summers

Congrats Scott! Give yourself a pat on the back :)

Stage 32 Job Alert
Cinematographer hired through Stage 32 Jobs

Tyler Saito, a Cinematographer from North Hollywood, Los Angeles County, California was just hired for the project titled "Cinematographer ". Congratulations!

Maurice Vaughan

Congratulations, Tyler!!!

Phoebe Turner


Harshad Mori


Stage 32 Job Alert
Screenwriter hired through Stage 32 Jobs

Celine Leon, a Screenwriter from Miami, Florida was just hired for the project titled "Screenwriting with AI (6 films-1 month)". Congratulations!

Celine Leon

Thank you everyone for your kind words!

Eon C. Rambally

Great to hear the positives Celine Leon! Congrats!

Jed Power

Congratulations, Celine!

Ashley Renee Smith

Congratulations, Celine!

Sydney Summers

Wishing you the best of luck Celine! Congratulations :)

Stage 32 Job Alert
Screenwriter hired through Stage 32 Jobs

Donald Lewis, a Screenwriter from Los Angeles, California was just hired for the project titled "Writers Assistant and Experienced Writers ". Congratulations!

Sydney Summers

Love to hear this, congrats!

Emily J

Congrats! This is awesome!

GiGi Raines


Richard "RB" Botto


Ashley Renee Smith

Congratulations, Donald!

Stage 32 Job Alert
Screenwriter hired through Stage 32 Jobs

Ulises Arrieta, a Screenwriter from Sincelejo, Colombia was just hired for the project titled "Screenwriting (6 films-1 month)". Congratulations!

Sydney Summers


Emily J

Congrats @Ulises!

Ashley Renee Smith

Congratulations, Ulises!

Stage 32 Job Alert
Screenwriter hired through Stage 32 Jobs

Elise Marenson, a Screenwriter from New York City, New York was just hired for the project titled "Collaborating!!!". Congratulations!

Ashley Renee Smith

Congratulations, Elise!

Stage 32 Job Alert
Screenwriter hired through Stage 32 Jobs

Elise Marenson, a Screenwriter from New York City, New York was just hired for the project titled "Collaborating!!!". Congratulations!

Maurice Vaughan

Congratulations, Elise!!!

Tim Bragg
Thank You Stage 32.

I hope everyone is working through the writer strike, and bracing for the SAG/AFTRA strike June 30th. I am pushing ahead on new scripts.

I had a wonderful experience with a script consultant that I connected with on Stage 32 recently. I now have a polished log line, synopsis, plot and theme for my s...

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Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Tim Bragg. Looking forward to seeing "Henry's Ghosts" and "The Castle Builder"!

Tim Bragg

When the strike is over I will put them up. I have Writer resume now that I will post elsewhere after the strike.

Myescha Joell

Tim! Thank you for the kind words, this post, and your vulnerability to share your growth as a writer as well as a professional. This is a trying season we're all experiencing but I do believe the power of vulnerability, compassion, and grace will carry us through!

GiGi Raines

Thank you for this amazing feedback, and am so happy you have found our consultations to be helpful for your script writing process. That is always our goal! Happy to help, always.

Richard "RB" Botto

So glad I saw this post, Tim. And I'm thrilled you're not only back, but thriving. Appreciate all the good words, the recognition of the efforts from everyone on Team 32, and you taking the time to share. Hope to see you around the community more often.

Mark Palmer
Time to Shop!

A few weeks back I pitched an unscripted TV show to a producer. They loved the pitch but needed a pitch deck. With some golden advice and tips from Stage 32 legends (Maurice Vaughan, thank you) I put one together and sent it off. Today I got sent a shopping agreement for my TV show with an email to...

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Maurice Vaughan

Congratulations, Mark Palmer!!! :D You're welcome. Time to go shopping. Shopping agreement. I see what you did there.

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