OTT & Transmedia : Transmedia Book Club Feeler by Ami Mariscal

Ami Mariscal

Transmedia Book Club Feeler

Hi All,

I am planning on creating a website with a transmedia database and forum. I'm also thinking about starting a transmedia book club when I launch that website. Would anyone here be interested in joining the book club? No commitments are needed now; I'm just putting out feelers to see if it would even work, hehe :)



Sam Sokolow

It's a terrific idea and the conversation needs to happen given where we are. Good luck with it, Ami!

Debbie Croysdale

@Ami Sounds a cool idea, I'd definitely join as a participant & reader but I'm no good at technology if needed to make co creations, for my own material others are executing it. Agree with @Sam "given where we are", with ever morphing Transmedia, Web 3 and the metaverse possibilities for growth are becoming encyclopedic.

Niki H

I think this sounds pretty cool, Ami!

Brenda Lee Lau

I"m interested to learn more

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