Gorkem Sifael

Gorkem Sifael


Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Member Since:
October 2022
Last online:
2 weeks ago
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About Gorkem

I am a writer and director based in Dubai, UAE. I did a master's in industrial engineering and worked as a project and product manager before I switched to a career in film. I worked as an editor, a cameraman, and a DOP before I became a director and producer at the European television network; Euronews. I am more known for the documentary films I make, however, I am currently working on getting my first narrative work, 'Children of All', off the ground.




  • Children of All

    Children of All Thriller Sci-fi In an experimental society where newborns are reassigned to alternate families to build a new equitable social order, a desperate mother tries to reclaim her biological son from an abusive adoptive mother, at the risk of ruining the future of all other children.

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