Severino Iuliano

Severino Iuliano


Roma, Italy

Member Since:
May 2023
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Severino

Director and screenwriter, he was born in Crotone on 22 July 1982. As a director he won the 2012 and 2013 editions of the 48hours film project in Madrid with the short movies "Lacrimal" and "El Roble venusiano". In 2011 won the “Luigi Bandera Award” at the Baff (Busto Arsizio Film Festival), writing the screenplay for the feature film “Il Gran Finale”. Screenwriter of the short film "Penalty" (2016), the latter financed by MIBACT and winner of numerous awards between Italy and abroad, including the Golden Globe as "Best Short Film", the Siae "I love GAI award ”At the Venice Film Festival, the five finalists at the Nastri


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