Kane Schirmer

Kane Schirmer

Actor, Director and Screenwriter

Hollywood, Florida

Member Since:
September 2020
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Kane

An English Literature major in college, Kane has always had his eye on story. After four years of touring Europe as an entertainer, he returned to the United States and focused on acting. His first big success was starring in the Off-Broadway show "WARP" from which he garnered critical acclaim, and he went on to work on various TV shows. His love of acting is still there, but when he moved to Florida he began focusing on writing the kind of stories he felt passionate about, and when he made his first short film "The Price" he garnered 5 awards in NY and LA. It was then that he realized his unique background as a writer, actor, and entertainer - allows him to speak to actors and help them find the emotion and motivation to drive a scene and achieve what he needs to make a story sing. Now he focuses on crafting stories that touch the viewer's hearts and minds and enliven their souls, and he looks forward to sharing his projects with the world.




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