Tatyana Figueiredo

Tatyana Figueiredo

Actor and Content Creator

Los Angeles, California

Member Since:
May 2022
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Tatyana

I started acting back in Brazil. I did a four year course in an Acting College called Anhembi Morumbi where I got my bachelor in acting. I also graduated from a professional Acting School called Wolf Maya for TV and Cinema and completed their 3 years course.
After graduating, I got a scholarship for an intensive class with a very prestigious director in Brazil, called Fatima Toledo at her Studios.
While I was studying, I was part of a theater company where we did several plays, attended festivals… I started doing auditions, and booked several short films, feature films, some tv shows, commercials.
When my artistic career was going really well back in Brazil, I attended an workshop with Margie Harbor where at the end of her workshop she held an audition to bring someone to Hollywood and take her intensive classes for free. Between 160 people, I was the one she chose. Because of that, I had to learn English in one year so I could attend her classes. At the time I didn’t speak English and I did her audition in my language, Portuguese.
I then got my visa and came to America to learn acting and English. I took her classes, and since then I kept acting. I was part of the Whitefire Theater in Sherman Oaks for 3 years, I was part of a Filmmaker group doing several 48hfp, I attended classes at BGB, I’m still doing auditions, booked some films, commercials and I just attended 2 Masterclasses with Bernard Hiller, one in LA and one in NY.
Now, I’m here looking to continue to get deep in my work and training again.


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