
Whether you’re an editor, sound editor, Foley artist, compositor, VFX specialist or work in any profession related to the post-production process, this is the place to discuss, share content and offer tips and advice on your chosen craft of the business in general

Fran Harris
Trailer time

Who’s got a trailer to share this week? I do, I do! drop yours below!

Maurice Vaughan

I got a "The page you are looking for is no longer available or has been moved" message, Mike Boas.

Jed Power


Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Mike Boas. Thanks for the link. Incredible trailer! Scary! I just signed up for updates on the campaign.

Daniel Husbands

Looks like fun Fran Harris

Suzanne Bronson
Phoenix Area Filmmakers

In Person Meetup tomorrow!!

Dustin Richardson
Ask Me Anything (AMA) with Laura Ackermann

Hey folks! Laura Ackermann is having a 24-hour AMA in the Acting Lounge, focused on “What Should Performers Look for in a Publicist?”

Laura is the founder of Advantage PR, publicist, & branding expert (Charisma Carpenter, Anna Lamb, Rushi Kota). She’s answering questions like:

When’s the perfect ti...

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Amanda Toney

Thank you Dustin!

Ashley Renee Smith
From Practical Effects to CGI: Godzilla's 70-Year Evolution

I thought this was so cool! This video explores GODZILLA's Journey From Practical to Digital Effects in all eras of Godzilla. Godzilla Minus One was one of the best movies I've seen in a long time and that's due in large part to how incredible the practical and visual effects were, especially on suc...

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Stephen Van Vuuren

Godzilla is literally the king as well as great document, along with King Kong, of the history of VFX. Great idea for a video, thanks for sharing.

Maurice Vaughan

Fantastic share, Ashley Renee Smith! I'm looking forward to seeing "Godzilla Minus One." I'd like to see a modern-day Godzilla movie that uses practical effects, the way they did in the first Godzilla...

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Kalisha Buckhanon

GODZILLA was always scary no matter what!

Daniel Husbands

I've always been a big fan of practical effects, it would be nice to see just how far practical can go in the modern age. Thanks Ashley Renee Smith

Geoff Hall

Ashley Renee Smith I love the practical effects, Ashley. The artistry of it all is amazing. Constructing electricity pylons out of wax is so imaginative. I loved it. I also loved the Tristar film with...

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Daniel Husbands
Powerful Post-Production

The tools in post-production are increasing in complexity, flexibility, and affordability. Many extremely powerful features 10 years ago would have cost just as much as the computers that make them, when in 2024 you can download a free program to do nearly everything you need. Keeping your computer...

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Stephen Van Vuuren

Hardware limits are a factor but my 2017 and 2019 Intel workstations are still fine. I upgraded the CPU and GPU a couple of years ago on the 2017 box and it's still does high-end post-work just fine....

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Daniel Husbands

Thanks Stephen Van Vuuren That's a good point, I do fine myself getting software more often than hardware.

Daniel Husbands

When you think of a major Hollywood blockbuster with amazing stunts and explosions being heralded as a all-in-camera practical effect masterpiece with no CGI, does invisible CGI come to mind? I have an amazing appreciation for VFX artists, and practical effect specialists but I use to think that the...

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Sam Sokolow

It is a but confusing and you make a really good point, Daniel Husbands.. Perhaps "limited CGI" is more appropriate but on some level it's like sweetening sound - these shots and stunts are amazing an...

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Maurice Vaughan

Excellent share, Daniel Husbands! I think this is my first time hearing about invisible CGI. I thought some of the shots in the "Fast" movies were practical. If a movie has invisible CGI, I think it s...

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Stephen Van Vuuren

It is confusing as there are a many in-camera visual effects and optical effects that are not CGI that this muddled. Invisible CGI is the goal of all CGI but often falls short.

Emily J

I'm with you, Sokolow, definitely need some clarity - and these artists work so hard and create incredible things. We gotta give credit where credit is due!

Daniel Husbands

It's crazy to me that so much CGI was used, entire scenes are CGI, I tip my hat to the vfx department, however all of the "NO CGI" rhetoric must have been annoying. At least they got an Oscar nomination for 2400 visual effect shots.

Ashley Renee Smith
Pro Editor's First Steps To Editing A Movie

In this Film Courage video, Lucas Harger, an acclaimed film and commercial editor, supervising editor, and partner at Bruton Stroube Outpost, discusses what his first steps include when editing a new film project.

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Maurice Vaughan

Great share, Ashley Renee Smith! Two big things I took from the video: 1) the importance of collaboration between a director and editor and 2) the importance of giving an editor room to work....

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Daniel Husbands

I really like the idea of being the first audience, letting the footage impact you without any outside explanation. Thanks Ashley Renee Smith

Sam Sokolow

Awesome share, Ashley Renee Smith. Love how he discusses the preparation, craft and artistry of doing these critical first steps in the edit.

Ashley Renee Smith

I completely agree, Daniel Husbands! I've always known that a film is made three times- when it's written, when it's filmed, and when it's edited. But I never considered the impact that seeing the com...

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Stephen Van Vuuren

This is great!

Amanda Toney
Best Adobe After Effects alternatives of 2024

Some programs I’ve never heard of here:

Best Adobe After Effects alternatives of 2024
Best Adobe After Effects alternatives of 2024
Looking for the best Adobe After Effects alternatives? We've gone hands-on with top VFX tools for creating FX effects without a Creative Cloud subscription.
Maurice Vaughan

Thanks for sharing, Amanda Toney! I might end up making sizzle reels for my scripts and who knows? Maybe one of these programs will help.

Daniel Husbands

I like there assessment of the different tools, it's great that there are so many free tools to get into. Great article Amanda Toney

Stephen Van Vuuren

Although I'm a 25 year AE user that would like to migrate fully to Fusion, I've used several of these. The one I would caution is Apple Motion. Very limited feature set, often buggy, poor camera tracking, very weak plug-in support. It's a motion-graphics tool, VFX is an afterthought.

Daniel Husbands
Post-Production Explained

Here is a fantastic explanation of the post-production process from StudioBinder. The entire Stages of Filmmaking playlist is worth a watch, they do a fantastic job of really pulling together all the aspects of the various processes.

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Amanda Toney

I’m bookmarking this. This is an awesome share.

Maurice Vaughan

I've wondered for a while why post-production takes so long sometimes, Daniel Husbands. That video breaks it down. Thanks for sharing!

Ashley Renee Smith

This is so comprehensive! Thank you for sharing, Daniel Husbands! Is there a part of the process that you enjoy the most?

Daniel Husbands

That's a tough one, I like so much of it. I suppose getting picture lock is such a rewarding feeling, but there is nothing quite like showing someone a VFX shot and they ask "What did you do?" There's...

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Ashley Renee Smith

I'm always amazed by seamless VFX. That's why I love watching Corridor Digital's VFX React videos. It's fascinating to get insights on the process, but sometimes they point out certain VFX shots that I didn't even know were VFX!

Dustin Richardson
The Biggest Stunt in Cinema History - Where stunts and post-production meet

I had an interesting experience watching Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One last year. I'm a huge fan of the MI series. Everything about them is top-notch and so much fun! I've known how Tom Cruise does most of his stunts in these pictures, but while watching Dead Reckoning, in several sc...

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Maurice Vaughan

Incredible share, Dustin Richardson! EPIC stunt! I like that they focused on practice and safety so much. There are times when movies need to have CGI instead of live-action stunts, but I like the loo...

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Amanda Toney

That video was absolutely bonkers! Thank you for sharing. I think the sooner post production teams can get involved with filming it makes the post process much easier. That way everyone is working tog...

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Daniel Husbands

I also really enjoy the MI series and have found that the blend of practical and CGI is a fantastic balance to achieve the most convincing vision. However, I also have watched films and thought "Thats...

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Maurice Vaughan

This sounds like an incredible deal, Amanda Toney! I'm happy for the post-production coordinators, their families, and future coordinators and their families!

Daniel Husbands

That's a big win for them, and can only serve to benefit the productions they work on, being happy with their work situation.

Geoff Hall
When Did Colour Films Eclipse Black and White Films?

Stephen Follows is a mind of information and is renowned in his work in the industry.

Here's an interesting article about the 'colourisation' of the film industry and the trends that led to it.

Whilst Follows mentions the hand-tinting of frames at as an early attempt at bringing colour to cinema audie...

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When did colour films eclipse black-and-white films?
When did colour films eclipse black-and-white films?
Although I attended film school, (a) it was two decades ago; and (b) I shamefully skipped many of the classes on film history. As time has passed, I have become increasingly aware of just how poor of…
Geoff Hall

Sam Sokolow as a kid I went to many Saturday Matinee programmes, with my sister. We saw things like Rocket Man and your typical B Movies. This was the early 60s. And then when I came across 70mm (cine...

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Daniel Husbands

Great article, it's always interesting to look back and see how things have progressed in the past.

Geoff Hall

Daniel Husbands yeah, Daniel. When I was a kid I assumed that this must be something new in cinema, but didn't know it went back to the 1890s.

Stephen Van Vuuren

I just watched my blu-ray of the L'Inhumaine for the first time a couple of weeks ago and found the use of color extremely effective. It's a compelling film. I've owned for some time Trip to the Moon with the hand colored film, also looks remarkable.

Geoff Hall

Stephen Van Vuuren Hi Stephen, it’s a great film and like Caligari the blanket colourisation works really well. I’ve only seen clips of Trip to the Moon, but was excited to see the hand-colouring of f...

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