OTT & Transmedia

The place to discuss, share content and offer tips and advice to OTT - "Over the Top" streaming and Transmedia – the technique of telling a single story or story across multiple platforms including, but not limited to, games, books, events, films and television. 

Bulent Hasan
Whats cheaper? shooting a demo or making a game demo?

I've recently been asked the question to see what would be more financially feasible, shooting a demo for a pitch, or , making a game demo for my pitch that leads into a transmedia property? what would be better? How many people are actually looking for that kind of property now?

David Kleve

It's relatively simple. How many people $, how much equipment $, and how many hours $ to a finished product? Then add at least %20.

Sam Sokolow

It’s the age old question… how much does a house cost? Well… how big is the house, where is it located, what are the amenities, decor, et al. Like any project it comes down to the ambition of what you...

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Bulent Hasan

thanks everyone ! lots of good points. i'm so busy writing content that to take time to produce the game, means i need the help with that.

Ami Mariscal

I agree with Sam. I also think most money people are looking for franchises.

Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq., Ipg

Bulent Hasan To be honest, and with respect, the question itself indicates that you are not focused on what you want to create. You can't sell a generality to anyone. A game is not a film is not a ser...

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Fran Harris
YOOTT (Your Own Over The Top) Network

There's a rise in niche OTT outlets. I'm super intrigued by this space and the ability to go directly to your audience's device, and build your own AVOD app. Anybody here doing or done this?

Debbie Croysdale

@Fran Thanks for sharing info. Certainly looking into it along with the many other tools/sites/outlets available now but I compile material & will rely on techies to execute it eventually, (all that d...

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Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq., Ipg

I am working with a number of indies to syndicate their numbers and get around major studio blockades of audience. Contact me direct and we can discuss.

Niki H
Introduce Yourself Weekend!

Everybody, it's Introduce Yourself Weekend for May! Go say hi to all the new members or those members that are ready to stop lurking and say hello. Reintroduce yourself and let's get some more people having great conversations in this lounge!

Ami Mariscal
Transmedia Activism / Nonfiction Transmedia

I think one reason I'm so interested in transmedia is its potential to affect real change. I'm reading Popular Culture and the Civic Imagination: Case Studies of Creative Social Change by Henry Jenkins et all, and it's inspiring to see how people have been using stories in unique ways to create soci...

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Sam Sokolow

This is an important topic and great share. I’m not as doom-and-gloom about traditional story telling but I do agree that transmedia story telling has a powerful place in education and cultural impact. Thanks, Ami!

Ashley Renee Smith

I love this and I completely agree with you, Ami Mariscal! Cross-platform storytelling has the potential to bring so much awareness to an issue while building out a world and telling an in-depth story...

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Owen Ratliff
Our metaverse company (MetaverseBooks) will launch our metaverse maps into Fortnite as playable maps with unique game modes

This will be the first time a metaverse platform has been integrated into a major game engine. We will now be able to put our Black Salt video game and proof of concept film in Fortnite and get exposure and sales from their 400 million customer base.

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Elaine Haygood

Best of luck with the release.

Ashley Renee Smith

Congratulations, Owen Ratliff!!

Sam Sokolow

Very cool, Owen. Good luck with this!

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