CUNY Brooklyn College

CUNY Brooklyn College

CUNY Brooklyn College

CUNY Brooklyn College is a college located in Brooklyn, New York.

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At least 66 Stage 32 members have attended CUNY Brooklyn College:
Morgann Gicquel

Morgann Gicquel

Director, Cinematographer and Editor from Paris, France
Bruce Bernstein

Bruce Bernstein

Musician from Stuart, Florida
Michael Matteo

Michael Matteo

Playwright and Screenwriter from Chongqing, China
Tomasz Mieczkowski

Tomasz Mieczkowski

Comedian, Screenwriter and Producer from Hermosa Beach, California
Jonathan Alvarado

Jonathan Alvarado

Best Boy Electric, Best Boy Grip and Camera Operator from New York City, New York
Amin Elhag

Amin Elhag

Director from New York City, New York
Michael Wells

Michael Wells

Screenwriter, Director and Producer from New York City, New York
Eric Schneider

Eric Schneider

Songwriter, Singer and Musician from La Junta, Colorado
Robin C. Adams

Robin C. Adams

Producer from New York City, New York
David Etienne

David Etienne

Actor, Casting Director and Crew from New York City, New York
Vincent Tsang

Vincent Tsang

Filmmaker, Screenwriter and Actor from New York City, New York
Glenn Francis Frontera

Glenn Francis Frontera

Filmmaker and Screenwriter from Brooklyn, New York
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