CUNY Brooklyn College

CUNY Brooklyn College

CUNY Brooklyn College

CUNY Brooklyn College is a college located in Brooklyn, New York.

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At least 66 Stage 32 members have attended CUNY Brooklyn College:
Abraham Doe

Abraham Doe

Editor, Producer and Screenwriter from Chandler, Arizona
Aeris Nguyen

Aeris Nguyen

Assistant Director, Crew and Director from Brooklyn, New York
Sally Lomidze

Sally Lomidze

Director and Director of Photography from New York City, New York
Travis Devin

Travis Devin

Sound Designer and Sound Mixer from Brooklyn, New York
Robert Brooks

Robert Brooks

Producer, Business Development/Sales and Producer of Marketing & Distribution from Washington, D. C.
Bianca Bagatourian

Bianca Bagatourian

Photographer (Still), Playwright and Producer from Los Angeles, California
Sean Vigneau-Britt

Sean Vigneau-Britt

Music Composer and Musician from New York City, New York
David Liban

David Liban

Filmmaker, Producer and Director from Denver, Colorado
Amy Leonard

Amy Leonard

Director and Screenwriter from Los Angeles, California
Thomas Grube

Thomas Grube

Actor from New York City, New York
Taissia Lomako

Taissia Lomako

Actor, Director and Editor from Buffalo, New York
Patrick Hercules

Patrick Hercules

Screenwriter from New York City, New York
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