CUNY Brooklyn College

CUNY Brooklyn College

CUNY Brooklyn College

CUNY Brooklyn College is a college located in Brooklyn, New York.

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At least 66 Stage 32 members have attended CUNY Brooklyn College:
Rob Porta

Rob Porta

Editor and Videographer from Brooklyn, New York
Kamal Lashley

Kamal Lashley

Videographer from New York City, New York
Alicia Fogg

Alicia Fogg

Actor from Brooklyn, New York
Joanna White-Oldham

Joanna White-Oldham

Director and Producer from Brooklyn, New York
Harry Baruch

Harry Baruch

Producer from New York City, New York
Jordane Christie

Jordane Christie

Actor from New York City, New York
Giorgio Martorana

Giorgio Martorana

Director, Editor and Producer from New York City, New York
Laura Gonzalez

Laura Gonzalez

Cinematographer and Director of Photography from New York City, New York
Christa Aiken

Christa Aiken

Assistant Director from Brooklyn, New York
Lloyd Komesar

Lloyd Komesar

Film Festival Director from Middlebury, Vermont
Amanda Rae Rosado

Amanda Rae Rosado

Assistant Editor, Dialogue Editor and Director from Yonkers, New York
Christopher Ortiz

Christopher Ortiz

Screenwriter, Director and Script Consultant from New York City, New York
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