Read a Good Book Lately?

Read a good book about your craft? Or just a good book in general? Share it here.

Marcel Nault Jr.
Detecting Men. Masculinity and the Hollywood Detective Film by Philippa Gates.

A must-have for those, like me, who are in the process of writing either a detective story, a film noir story or a murder mystery.

Essentially, Philippa Gates gives a historical overview of the trends of the detective story genre from Edgar Allan Poe's The Murders in Rue Morgue to the criminalist fi...

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Sam Rivera

Thank you for the suggestion, I’ll have to check out! Marcel Nault Jr.

Rose Casolari
The Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion

I don't often read autobiographical novels, but this one was hard to put down. It was filled with so much wisdom and honesty, that you can't help but come out feeling changed. I learned so much from this book about love and life and it happened so subtly. So deeply in my heart, I feel I can't quite articulate it. I highly recommend giving it a read!

John Michael German


Glorious gift that your post roots. Adding yet one more loveliness towards the minds insightful plants that flower out into the blooming soars.

Thankful for your post and marketing of this.

God Bless,

John German

Sam Rivera

I've been wanting to check this book out, thanks for letting us know Rose Casolari !

Evita Prishila Anggawijaya
To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee, and Where The Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens

I've done reading Where The Crawdads Sing a few months back, and to be honest, coming from outside US, I don't really understand the social (or maybe political) issue behind it--personally speaking. However the issue of repression against people who have 'differences' with the majority of people in...

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Suzanne Bronson

So good. We all read To Kill A Mockingbird in High School. There is also a movie starring Gregory Peck, I would recommend watching it after you finish the book.

Evita Prishila Anggawijaya

@suzannebronson just finished it and you are absolutely right! It is soooo good. Probably the best book I've ever read so far!

Sydney Summers

I haven't read that book in so long! I loved the movie :)


In all my research on learning how to write screenplays "STORY" by Robert McKee was the book that stood out most by far.

In a very clear and practical way it illustrates how story structure works and how to apply it when writing. 

Also it is enlightening as an actor because (in my opinion) acting does...

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Marcel Nault Jr.

I recently made a post about McKee's Story not so long ago. I'm glad that it's able to impact screenwriters everywhere.

Christian Cujovic

Thank you! I feel like ist is able to do so and for good reasons.

Ashley Renee Smith
Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin

Synopsis: On a bitter-cold day, in December of his junior year at Harvard, Sam Masur exits a subway car and sees, amid the hordes of people waiting on the platform, Sadie Green. He calls her name. For...

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Debbie Croysdale
Pleasant surprise from budget hotel bookcase

Don't usually read many James Patterson novels cos his short sentences make me feel I'm jump starting but this one was hard to put down. Picked it off a Premier Inn bookshelf while commuting & it's about a jewel robbery & murdered celebrity. Now searching for more of NYPD series co written by Marshall Karp.

Derek Lawson
Voice for your words

Hi - I’m new here and thought I’d introduce myself to you. I’m an actor who is available for voice over work and can ‘do’ many accents. I’m a radio presenter for a local (to me) community radio station and have access to the studio facilities.

If you want to hear any of my work please send me a note...

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Geoff Hall

Would love to hear your voice, Derek.

Derek Lawson

Take a listen to a few clips at and go to the Audio Clips page. I’m going to try to get them on here as well.

Marcel Nault Jr.
Two suggestions.

The first one (mostly for French readers here) is "La Bible de l'apprenti auteur. Faites exploser votre créativité" by Bernard Deloupy.

It applies to authors and writers, not necessarily to screenwriters themselves. But, there are some chapters in here that can help you overcome writer's block, stru...

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Bernard Deloupy * Écrivain de polars
Bernard Deloupy * Écrivain de polars
Bernard Deloupy - Coach en accompagnement littéraire et écrivain, auteur de 15 livres dont la première saga des polars niçois et des polars
Your Screenplay Sucks

by William M Akers. This book has the craft broken into 100 bite-size tips to make your writing better. I find his advice valuable for any writer, not just screenwriters.

Maurice Vaughan

I read that book way back, Cheri Krueger. It helped me become a better screenwriter. I really liked the bite-size tips, and the title caught my attention the first time I bought the book. I might buy...

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Marcel Nault Jr.

Never heard of that one. I'll circle around and see if it's available in my country.

Marcel Nault Jr.
The Future of an Illusion by Sigmund Freud.

For those of you who want to focus more on a "religious"-based story, I highly recommend you read The Future of an Illusion by Sigmund Freud. Specially those who have more of a critical stance on the subject, like me.

Written in 1927, it basically sums up the values we find in religious ideas and co...

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Ashley Renee Smith
Circe by Madeline Miller

Now, I know I'm a bit behind on this one. It's been recommended to me a number of times over the last few years, but I finally had a chance to give it a read and it deserves all of the acclaim it's received. As a DC comics fan and a Greek Mythology fan, Circe has always been a really interesting cha...

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Mark Boxall
Some thoughts and adding my books for you.

I have recently finished reading Isaac Asimov's Caves of Steel and Foundation series (again). Would love to see a proper reasonably close adaptation of the whole thing. Then moved on to The Thursday Murder Club and am really struggling with it due to the style and lack of proper prose. Each to his o...

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Phoebe Turner

I gotta check out The Truth About The Stars, sounds intriguing. Osman's writing can be a bit hit or miss, but I still think he's a great storyteller & his other books have been awesome. You've got me curious, and I'll be sure to take a look. Thanks for the rec and keep up the good work!

Mark Boxall

Thanks, let me know what you think.

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