Read a Good Book Lately?

Read a good book about your craft? Or just a good book in general? Share it here.

Sydney Summers
Book reccomendations

Hi, Creative community :) I’m looking for some book recs as the holidays approached! What have you read recently that you liked?

John David Brookshire

I read the 7 husbands of Evelyn Hugo. It was pretty good. Currently reading The Gift of Fear by Gavin DeBecker.

John William Blaney

If you want a true story that is an historical thriller, read the IPA’s gold medal winner (2017), “The Embassy” by Dante Paradiso (but it’s pretty gritty).

Amanda Toney

John David Brookshire - I read 7 Husbands of Evelyn Hugo, as well, thought it was a fun ride.

Malcolm Johnstone
Adventures In The Screen Trade - William Goldman

This one is a classic for a reason. This book is the first (of at least 3?) books by the author and screenwriter William Goldman. He won both Best Original Screenplay (Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid) and Best Adapted Screenplay (All The President's Men) Oscars as well as both the original book a...

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Lindbergh E Hollingsworth

Excellent book, it is! I read it in the late 80's and then again in the 90's.

Amanda Toney
Sydney Summers

So interesting, I saw the press for it! How was the book?

Amanda Toney

it was fucking fascinating Sydney Summers. A very complex man who has a clear vision and will stop at nothing to attain it. Highly recommend.

Maria Barnett

The book is great. I really enjoyed reading it

Amanda Toney

Maria Barnett what was your favorite part? I found the Kwajalein part for the rocket launch very interesting. I also enjoyed so many different peoples perspectives on working with him - such a polariz...

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Nick Waters
Horror Novels

Anyone read any good horror novels lately? What would you recommend?

Jeffrey J. Mariotte

I just read Richard Chizmar's Becoming The Boogeyman. It's a sequel to an earlier one called Chasing the Boogeyman, which I didn't read, but it stands alone. Interesting premise--in it, the character...

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L. Tom Deaver

I'd recommend watching FANG - low budget horror but a good story on mental health. The streaming site for the film. For low...

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Sydney Summers

I’ve read a lot of great books lately but no horror ones :)

The Making of Another Major Motion Picture Masterpiece by Tom Hanks

I just finished this one, and Hanks is one hell of a writer. I've spent time on multiple TV sets, production offices, etc., (though not on location with feature films), and went to film school, and I learned things from this novel--insider details--that I'd never heard about. Interestingly, it's not...

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Lois Sullivan

I just began to read it a few days ago. Quite entertaining!

Suzanne Bronson

Thank you for the recommendation. I didn't know Tom Hanks wrote novels. I will definitely check it out.

Jeffrey J. Mariotte

He's surprisingly good at it!

Amanda Toney

Never heard of this...I'm excited to read this!

Jenean McBrearty
More Grist for the Murder Mill. Murder and the Movies by David Thomson

Thomson asks many important questions about American social mores and tastes as he explains how, over time, we've become inured to violence in media, especially film. Of course, he covers the GREAT ones: Hitchcock's Psycho, Lang;s "M", etc. But he goes beyond the steady change from murder is evil to...

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Nick Waters
New Read

I recently read a book called THE PRACTICE OF GROUNDEDNESS by Brad Stulberg and highly recommend. It's a "self help" book you could say, but the principles he talks about are really profound and valuable..particularly when working in a volatile industry.

Amanda Toney

I love that this is focused on groundedness, and seems to be a perfect fit for working in entertainment. Thanks for sharing and I look forward to checking it out.

Ciara Francesca Shaw
Reading 'Foundation' by Isaac Asimov

In the midst of reading the first book in the 'Foundation' series at the moment. The way Hari Seldon was explaining how the galactic Empire will fall felt very relevant with the climate crisis. Looking forward to the rest of the book! Highly recommend for those looking for a classic sci-fi read!

Rutger Oosterhoff

Asimov, Heinlein, Vance Herbert, Orwell, Tolkien, Clarke, Wells, all great!!

Jenean McBrearty
Yes, History is Inspiration: The Great Silence is a Great Read

I am not a fan of women-written non-fiction --- they tend to be too touchy-feely for me. But The Great Silence ---about the end and aftermath of WW I is truly gut wrenching, relating not just what happened, but the people and their backgrounds involved. Did you know there was a Tin Nose Factory? Tha...

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ALIEN 3 by Pat Cadigan based on the unproduced screenplay by William Gibson

I just finished ALIEN 3 by Pat Cadigan based on the unproduced screenplay by William Gibson (Newromancer, Cyberspace - father of the Cyberpunk genre).

Since Gibson’s screenplay has never been produced the story in this book is not the same you might know from the movie ALIEN 3 by director David Finc...

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Suzanne Bronson

Thank you for the recommendation. I would love to read a different version of A3. Not a big fan of 3

Christian Cujovic

You're welcome Suzanne :-) In case you read it I would be interested in hearing your opinion on it!

Jeffrey J. Mariotte

Pat's a terrific writer, as is Gibson. No surprise that a combination of their talents produced a memorable work!

Suzanne Bronson

William Gibson is awesome. Peripheral was so good.

The Intent to Live by Larry Moss

The Intent to Live : Achieving your true potential as an actor

I actually read this book many years ago but it was a gamechanger for my craft as an actor.

When I read it I had been on stage over 1000 times at a professional theater in many productions.

But still I felt insecure about my acting skill...

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Suzanne Bronson
The Expanse Series

I need sci-fi fans out there? When this show came out on amazon I had to read the books and now I have 1 left to go in the series. they are so good and so much bad better than the show. there's also a whole bunch of novellas that I haven't been dealt into this can keep you going for Years.

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