
From structure to content to representation to industry trends, this is the place to discuss, share content and offer tips and advice on the craft and business of screenwriting

Nick Phillips
Join us in the Writers Room next Wednesday 5/15 at 4pm EST for a Pitch Tank with Producer Anna Henry!

What's up, Screenwriting Lounge? We have a great episode lined up for next week over in the Writers Room. We'll have producer Anna Henry in for another edition of the one and only Pitch Tank! Be there, Wednesday May 15th at 4pm PST!

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Maurice Vaughan
Mix 'Em! (Movie Idea Exercise)

Mix two movies to come up with a new idea.

Example: "John Wick" mixed with "Alice in Wonderland" (2010). A movie about an ex-hitman in a fantasy world who comes out of retirement to assassinate an evil queen that killed people important to him, saving the kingdom in the process. A wild Action/Fantasy...

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Pat Savage

The possibilities for ideas are endless.

Rutger Oosterhoff

Haha Maurice. You remember my logline from the logline section. Sadly there was never a script. How I came up with it, I probably got from the title Analyze This to Analyze Fish, then the rest was easy. I must say it didn't come out of nowhere. I did a lot of "Analyze" "This" and "That".

Rutger Oosterhoff

Feading all the info of the old (2016) logline into ChattGPT it came up with:

"In 'Analyze Fish,' a greedy Dolphin Shrink initially agrees to manipulate a depressed Loan Shark into committing suicide f...

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Derrick Vernon

The Hunt:

After witnessing the brutal murder of his family during a camping trip, lonely teenage boy Malachi discovers a mysterious black stone that transports him to an imaginary world. There, he gain...

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Maurice Vaughan

What two movies is "The Hunt" a mix of, Derrick Vernon?

Looking for feedback on a pilot script

Hi all,

I'm just getting started with writing scripts. I've written a pilot for a series and would love it if the community could give some constructive feedback. It's in early draft stages, but I'm hoping that by getting feedback I can learn the craft by improving and fixing it.

I've uploaded it to:...

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Niki "giggles" Galiano

I'm happy to look at it for you!! Let me know where I can find it online, or feel free to e-mail it to me at my work e-mail address at

Maurice Vaughan

Internals/non-filmables can help you paint a picture/write juicy action lines sometimes, Dustin Archibald, which could attract producers, directors, actors, etc. to your script. I suggest using them s...

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Dustin Archibald

Maurice Vaughan Thanks for the advice! I'll make sure to revise the script with that in mind.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Dustin Archibald. I used to avoid writing internals/non-filmables in my scripts, and my action lines were plain/boring. I kept getting notes that I needed to make my action lines more...

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Jason Mirch
I'm back to help offer advice!

Hey everyone! It is great to be posting after some time away. For those of you who don't know (this community grows every day, hour, minute...), my name is Jason and I was the Director of Script Services for Stage 32 for many years. I stepped away for a bit but now I am BACK in the capacity of a Wri...

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Ashley Renee Smith

Great to officially meet you, Jason Mirch! I've heard nothing but wonderful things since I came on board last year! Welcome back!

Andy Byrne

Welcome back, Jason. Cool to see your talents here!

Rachel White

Hi Jason Mirch great to meet you! I'm a writer who is starting out. My background is more theatre however I decided I wanted to explore film and tv. I'm currently working on a pilot script for a tv se...

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Ben Henning

Nice to meet you, Jason! I'm a new screenwriter and still looking to establish myself. I've written a couple pilot scripts, and I'm hoping to find potential collaborations or opportunities on this site to gain some real experience.

Anthony McBride

Hi Jason Mirch It's great to see you back. I just landed a new manager and wanted to know what's the best way to encourage a healthy relationship with them.

Jonny Paterson A

Hi everyone, I have a few remaining consultations available for one on one phone call feedback here on Stage32. Hope to meet some of you there soon!

Maurice Vaughan
Ask Me Anything with Shannon Vayo – “The Adaptation Process”

If you have questions about the adaptation process, don’t miss today’s AMA in the Writers’ Room Lounge. Shannon Vayo is answering questions on this topic for 24 hours. She’s a development executive & producer (“The Morning Show,” “Where the Crawdads Sing,” “Your Place or Mine”).

Link to AMA:

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Göran Johansson

What Vorlage do you suggest is best to use for an adaptation? I mean, for us with limited experience. Twice I have used world famous plays. Both plays were so old that they were no longer copyright pr...

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Maurice Vaughan
Göran Johansson

Oops, I didn't notice that it was in the writer's room. About signing up for one free month, I think I wait with that until I understand better how Stage32 works.

Michael Olderr
Basic question, but how do you guys keep yourself dedicated to writing?

I know the key to writing is to write a little bit every day, whether script-related or not. But how do you guys keep yourselves accountable?

E Langley

For the same reasons a Junkie needs a fix.

Bill McCormick

I hire angry gang bangers and nuns.

Bill Albert

I keep a wall chart marking the number of pages I write every week. The weeks that are blank I sometimes feel guilty about.

Preston Poulter

I make comic books and enjoy selling my work to new customers.

Evelyn Von Warnitz

The passion for finding words in touching sentences. Keeping the flow coming from your heart and soul. Plus what touches you deeply. Feeling your characters when they wake you in the night. This incredible sense of creating worlds maybe someone can join one day.

Maurice Vaughan
TOMORROW – Ask Me Anything (AMA) with Shannon Vayo!

Shannon Vayo will be having a 24-hour AMA in the Writers’ Room Lounge tomorrow, focused on “The Adaptation Process.”

Shannon is a development executive & producer (“The Morning Show,” “Where the Crawdads Sing,” “Your Place or Mine”).

Example Questions:

What are some best practices when adapting a proje...

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Fantasy Football and gambling

Have the topics of fantasy football and gambling been popular with regards to having books turned into movies or shows?

Pat Alexander

The League was a really big show on FX about fantasy football. Bookie was a Max show that came out end of last year about gambling but not sure it did super well

Cleavon Steele

I do remember watching The League back in the day. Haven't seen an updated version on the subject though. Is there a way to gauge if the subject of gambling, or the process that turns a regular person into a degenerate gambler is something of interest?

Pat Alexander

I'm sure there's some published studies out there online about the early effects of companies like FanDuel and DraftKings are having on the current sports gambling boon!

Maurice Vaughan
Screenwriter Signs Shopping Agreement With Sandstone Artists After Connecting On Stage 32!

Who doesn’t love some great midweek news? Josh Miller signed a shopping agreement! Check out today’s blog to see how and celebrate with him.

Josh also gives some takeaways in the blog that could help you in a general meeting and/or project consultation.

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Dan Guardino

Dan MaxXx Good question and I think you know the answer to that one:)

Alicia Vaughan

Congratulations Josh! This is amazing news! I wish you all the best going forward.

Cameron Tendaji

Shopping agreements may not put money in your pocket.. but they increase your chances of being read and meeting with people from a 3% to a 35-40% chance lol. So that’s something

Maurice Vaughan

You're right, Cameron Tendaji. And you never know what relationships could come from those reads and meetings, and the opportunities that could come from those relationships. Like Jason Mirch said tod...

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Pat Alexander

Josh Miller is the man!

Ashley Renee Smith
Turning Setbacks Into Success: How Creatives Handle Rejection

Whether in our careers, relationships, or personal pursuits, rejection can send even the most optimistic into a downward spiral. Learn How Creatives Handle Rejection in today's blog!

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Ashley Renee Smith
Don't Miss Fridays Ask Me Anything in the Writer's Room Lounge!

Hey, Screenwriters!


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