Member Since:
June 2017
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About Aleksandra


I am an actress, English language teacher and translator, always believing that one does not exclude but rather complement each other, especially if you are not native English speaker, like me. I graduated at the Academy of Arts, Belgrade, Serbia (Bachelor in Acting, 1999) and at the Faculty of Philosophy, Novi Sad, Serbia (MA in English Language & Literature, 1995).
More often than not, it's easier to find a job as a teacher or translator than as an actor, especially if you are a dedicated, forward-thinking artist with strong integrity and refined taste. Therefore, it seems that I have been working more as an English language teacher and translator and less as an actress. However, in the first place, I have always been and remain an actress, bringing acting into all aspects of my life and my whole life into acting.

Accordingly, for me, the classroom has always been a kind of stage and my lectures kind of performance. My students have never been bored, passive or uninterested. I apply modern and interactive teaching methods to create stimulating learning environment where my students are highly motivated and feel free to express themselves, and in particular, to express “their English selves”. Hence my workshops: Shake (Your) Speare," "You Can Be a Polyglot, Too," "Express Your (English) Self."

As an actress, I've always been more inclined to non-institutional theater companies and independent theatre scene because of its ‘experimental space’, innovative artistic forms of expression and content.
For more than ten years, I worked with an independent theatre company - KPGT (Belgrade, Serbia) where I played several significant roles:
"Offending the Audience", by Peter Handke (role: the Fifth Speaker) - directed by Ljubiša Ristić
"Richard III”, by William Shakespeare (role: Queen Elisabeth) - directed by Ljubiša Ristić
"Winter Journey to the River", by Peter Handke (role: a Nun) - directed by Jug Radivojević
"In the Camp", by Miroslav Krleža (role: German woman of Jewish origin, reciting Goethe) - directed by Filip Gajić
"Mass in A Minor", by Danilo Kiš (mix of various roles) - directed by Ljubiša Ristić
"Father Sam", by Danilo Kiš (mix of various roles) - directed by Ljubiša Ristić
“Kaspar”, by Peter Handke (mix of various roles) - directed by Saša Gabrić

I am also very proud of one of my first roles - Countesse de Saint-Fond - in "Madame De Sad" written by Yukio Mishima and directed by Mirjana Karanović in Bitef Theatre (Belgrade; Serbia)

In 2016, after a few years’ break, I reappeared on the stage with solo performance “Fires”. It was selected among 80 monodrames to participate at the 41. International Festival of Monodrame and Mime in Zemun, Serbia. The performance had its premiere right at the Festival, on July 2nd 2016, and was nominated for Maja Dimitrijević Gold Medal Award for Best Monodrama and Ingenuity Award.
When I started to work on “Fires” I knew it was going to be quite a challenge. I gave myself a rather demanding task of playing five different and, at the same time, very famous female characters: Mary Magdalene, Antigone, Phaedra, Clytemnestra, Sappho. Besides, I struggled hard for several months to adapt the text for the performance (originally written by Marguerite Yourcenar). Being without any financial support, I designed costumes and makeup myself, reduced the set and props to minimum, selected and edited music and video recordings. Above all, I did not have a director – only a wholehearted help and support of my husband, Aleksandar Jovanović. Despite all this or all because of this, I made it and I enjoyed it!

I am highly-motivated and committed actress, making constant efforts to improve my acting. I am bold enough to think and act differently and, therefore, to offer an authentic representation of any character I play. I enjoy exploring and experimenting with different acting techniques in order to enrich my artistic expression and versatility. Outstanding voice and excellent diction enable me to interpret text in a unique way, adding new layers and depth to a character. In addition, my experience and interest in physical theatre has helped me to stretch beyond the comfort zone and to develop my understanding of theatre and my place within it. Specific sensibility and strong intuition allow me to easily submerge myself in any role given. Although being a perfectionist, I am ready to improvise and experiment. I am energetic and persuasive yet subtle and soft. I am flexible and cooperative, yet highly individual. Although being highly intellectual and self-disciplined I am imaginative and intuitive.

“I like the English compartment of my head because it feels like theater.” “It feels like I’m playing a role, pretending to be someone confident and bold, . . . liberated from everyday drudgery and imbued with the power to be someone else. It is thrilling and a little dangerous.”
Elena Gorokhova



  • - Nominated for Maja Dimitrijević Gold Medal Award for Best Monodrama and for Ingenuity Award at The


  • Academy of Arts

  • Faculty of Philosophy

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