Thanks for reaching out to Stage 32 advertising!

Stage 32 is the world’s largest social network and educational site for film, television and theater creatives. We currently have over a half million members from every country in the world.

Our minimum advertising package begins at $500 USD.

If you are interested in learning more, please email

Please provide:

  1. Your contact information
  2. What business, product or service you are looking to advertise
  3. What type of advertising you are looking for - website advertising or email advertising?
  4. Are you looking to advertise:
    • to all of Stage 32?
    • to a regional area of the community? (ie. UK, Australia, South Africa, etc.?)
    • to advertise to a segment of the community? (ie. Cinematographers, Editors, Actors, etc.?)

Due to the overwhelming number of requests we receive, please allow 1-2 business days for an initial response. Thank you.

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