Financing / Crowdfunding

From all facets of a traditional raise to soft money to crowdfunding strategies, this is the place to discuss, share content and offer tips and advice regarding raising funds for a project.

Liked by Maureen Mahon and 11 others

Jasmin Haugstuen Please
Would love advice for crowdfunding campaign

Hello there! I am a couple of weeks away from launching a gofund me fundraiser for a project that I have written based on a true story. It's my first "socially conscious" and real personal story, and Im a bit nervous and feeling vulnerable, haha. I do not have the self-financing this time, and we ar...

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Jasmin Haugstuen Please

I launched it anyway!!! I'm going to try!!!! :D

Jane Sanger

markdeuce that’s a misleading statement to say to get any return on YouTube you need over 1,000 followers-

and 4,000 viewing hours per month. to get to that is a job in itself with constant content.


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Maurice Vaughan

The website looks great, Jasmin Haugstuen Please!

Stephen Folker

The key to successfully raising your budget on crowdfunding is to have a core base to go to on launch date, along with a compelling campaign. Most of your money will come from friends, family, colleag...

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Mark Deuce

It is not just montetizing your YT chanel, but marketing yourself and content Jane Sanger have a great weekend.

Ashley Renee Smith
It's Time For Our Cannes 2024 Recap!

Don't miss out on today's great Stage 32 blog where we're sharing a recap of the incredible Stage 32 events, parties, and panels that took place at this year's Festival de Cannes!

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Torin Ives
"Can we send your film to our development team to see if they are interested in a series?"

That is the question I got from someone in a high position of production at a Top 10 "big dog" film company when I was in Los Angeles. I was thrilled to be asked this, our biggest goal with my film 'Call Them Athletes' was to find someone interested in funding a larger project. However, that company...

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Mark Deuce

That is amazing news Torin Ives and best of luck with them going forward.

Sam Sokolow

It's awesome that you got that reaction, Torin Ives - so good to have that type of response to your work. You should feel good about that. And the community is giving you good advice here. If you have...

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Jordan Schaffner

I am looking for major funding for my sci-fi thriller "The Emperor of Flying Cars." There are many true elements to this story. I have a full copywritten screenplay. Does anyone here want to read it for possible acquisition and development?

Geoff Hall

Jordan Schaffner Hi Jordan, please follow the community protocols by starting your own post and introducing yourself and your project to us, rather than piggy-backing on Torin’s post. It will give you...

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Brandy Camille

You miss one hundred percent of the shots you don't take. Saying "I think they'll pass" is tantamount to you making their mind up for them. Hand them the idea and let them decide if they like or not....

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Morgan Leo Shnell
Why doesn't Stage 32 have it's own crowdfunding? And why not start one now?

Since this is a community of film makers and like mined artists it would make sense to finance projects with out having to crowdfund from outside sources. If everyone donated $20 to $100 we can easily raise more than a couple million for low budget productions. Why aren't we doing this? And how do we get started?

Pat Alexander

Now that is an interesting suggestion! Thank you for mentioning it

Morgan Leo Shnell

Pass it on to everyone will you?

Matt Watters

Great idea and should have been done long ago...waiting for a response from RB...

Morgan Leo Shnell

Again share this with everyone. Hollywood is burning.

James Richards
Voyage Media

Anyone heard about Voyage Media? Please tell me what you know. Thanks!

Rick Vorce

I wasn't impressed!

Geoff Hall

James Richards I went through them with a project. I was let down by one of their ‘Producers’ and when I complained the CEO called me and dropped me because of my ‘attitude, claining that I was ‘unwor...

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Matt Watters

Smoke and mirrors. I have not used them personally but I know people who have. Costly introduction service that never seems to pan out.

Crowdfundr Vs. Kickstarter Vs. Indiegogo

Does anyone have experience or insight on Crowdfundr? We're gearing up to crowdfund, sorry, crowdSOURCE a six figure project in the fall and would like to use a platform geared towards filmmakers. But not sure if it quite has the clout yet seeing as it's so new.

Kevin Chambers

I personally prefer It allows you to sell microshares of your company.

Ben Rood

I like start engine, but we're partnering with a non-profit that helps first responders with mental health. And I don't see that being as flashy to shareholders

Amanda Toney

Hi Ben Rood - i’m not familiar with that platform. So keep in mind when you are picking a crowd funding platform that if there are less eyeballs on it to begin with it’s going to be even harder to try...

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Ben Rood

A plug for RB's book, shocker! Haha, thanks, Amanda Toney. I own it, I've read it and I enjoyed it. His encouragement towards passionate fans before dollars, seeing as fans will be your driving force...

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Richard "RB" Botto

Honored, Ben Rood. Appreciate the good words and hopeful the info and guidance is assisting in your firefighter film. It seems like a project that's a perfect fit for crowdsourcing.

If you've left a re...

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Purnendu Paanda

Hi, this is Purnendu, a writer and debutant director. I have written and will be directing a Hindi film titled "Encounter," based on a true incident. The dialogue draft is ready, and I have actors and actresses interested in joining the project. I am currently seeking financing or funding for this f...

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Geoff Hall
Is the indie tax credit finally making the UK a valuable co-production partner?

And finally some good news about the UK Film Industry!

“The biggest change recently with regard to the UK being a destination for co-production has been the UK Global Screen Fund,” [MacTaggart] suggests. “That has made a real difference as it’s the first money in almost 25 years that the British syst...

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Sam Sokolow

This is good news, Geoff Hall. Incentives are such a vital part of the financing process right now - qualifying for incentives can make or break your project. Happy to see the UK competing like this....

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Geoff Hall

Sam Sokolow me too, Sam. The demise of the UK Film industry started before the pandemic and I think it will take a while before we see the benefits and the evidence of a recovery. But at least we are...

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Jeanette B. Milio

This is indeed good news. That said, the UK always had a very strong incentive in place, which is why a lot of content is being produced there. This expansion will increase the flow of productions to...

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Geoff Hall

Jeanette B. Milio thanks for chipping in to the conversation. If you stay out of London and filmed say in Bristol, that would provide you with a cheaper option. Films@59 have great post-production ser...

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Joe Ambridge
Similar to slated ?

hey all

is there any similar sites to slated ?

Artemy Sverbin
Where's the green light?

Hello, beautiful people!

A straight question. I am looking for money to make a UK-based 90-minute comedy about art, mental health, friendship and gold smuggling.

I have assembled a core team, we are in the middle of location scouting, casting and other early pre-production steps. I have reached hundr...

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Geoff Harris

If you're shooting in the UK you can take advantage of the tax credits here, you may need a UK based co-producer, and maybe post in Germany where there are also good tax credits. For the rest, have yo...

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Richard "RB" Botto

Every feature I've produced and was able to raise funding on came through relationships. Building a reputation as someone who can deliver on your promises, bringing quality, bankable material to the p...

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Alan Brewer

One strategy that sometimes works is to create a great looking trailer or short, demonstrating not only the concept but also the skills of the Director. Having something like that in your package when pitching the project can usually help.

Tom Lapke
What is your opinion Who is at fault?

TLDR- The Financier agrees to foot the $2.6 mil budget for the film. In pre-pro, they realize the script can't be made for less than $5 mil. The director is tasked with cutting the script, does a poor job, and the financier backs out so he doesn't lose his shirt. Now the crew is unpaid. Who is respo...

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Shirley MacLaine Film Descends Into Chaos as Director Feuds With Financier and Crew Goes Unpaid
Shirley MacLaine Film Descends Into Chaos as Director Feuds With Financier and Crew Goes Unpaid
A Shirley MacLaine film shooting in New Jersey has spiraled into chaos, as the director and financier are feuding and the crew is owed $245,000.
Sam Sokolow

Unless there is a clear and binding contract that says Katz was solely responsible for paying those initial crew members (which the article does not acknowledge) then it should be the film's responsib...

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Amanda Toney
EP Film Tax Incentive Map

In case anyone isn't aware of the EP tax incentive map, I wanted to share it as a resource:

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Richard "RB" Botto

This is one valuable share.

Ashley Renee Smith

This is an amazing resource, Amanda Toney! Thank you!

Jack Binder

Definitely a great resource for comparing film tax credits jurisdictions! Amanda Toney :)

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