Financing / Crowdfunding

From all facets of a traditional raise to soft money to crowdfunding strategies, this is the place to discuss, share content and offer tips and advice regarding raising funds for a project.

Eric Paul Chapman
Streaming Revenue Secrecy

I have a property developer considering investing in my upcoming feature. Which is great - believe me, living in Pittsburgh it's been a struggle to find anyone with enough money to invest. It's cool he wants to read the script and is taking me seriously. (He's the son of my landlord; that was my in....

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Eric Paul Chapman

Interesting. Thanks, Langley.

Sam Sokolow

Hi Eric - here's a link to a Stage 323 webinar on the subject that I recommend. Sara Elizabeth has raised millions of dollars for independent films and shares valuable information here:

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Jack Binder

Hey Eric, That's a good sign. It means he's a smart businessman who wants quality answers prior to making an investing decision. Feel free to connect here or shoot me a contact message via filmbudget....

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Dane Johnson

A detailed film proposal followed by a private placement memo or investor agreement is needed, but finding streamer data for filling out return on investment projections is nearly impossible. Theatric...

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Thomas Lee Howell

The film and music business are speculative at best. NOBODY can predict income from an entertainment endeavor. May as well toss your money down a water well.

Emma Louise Smith
Ask Me Anything (AMA) from Tuesday 1/30 to Wednesday 1/31- How To Attract Financing

Hi everyone - I'll be here in a few days to do an AMA with you on film financing. Discussing how you confidently pitch to investors, demystify some of the areas around attracting funding that aren't abundantly obvious (or perhaps always so easy to understand).

I'm a chartered accountant (CPA) turned...

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Emma Louise Smith

Hi Maurice - that they don't have their ducks in a row yet and didn't do the housekeeping before asking someone to take a look! If you can't answer the questions you're likely to be asked or you don't have a plan and materials in place ( same thing almost) ... weak start to the conversation.

John Sparano

I have a question about going after a small investor to secure additional talent before taking a project out. I have a project with a name actor and director attached, but it seems we need to fill out...

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Emma Louise Smith

Hi Sam, tricky to know exactly how to answer this but broadly based on the info - I guess I'd ask you why the investor would take on that cost? If it's small then it can be deferred and paid out of th...

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Emma Louise Smith

Hi Steven, if you're looking for individuals then look to the establishments you'll find wealthy individuals - yacht clubs, members clubs, collectors clubs. Art events, gala events or similar benevole...

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Maurice Vaughan

Thank you for the answer, Emma Louise Smith. Thanks again for having this AMA. I learned so much! Have a great rest of your week and weekend.

Esmaeil Torkzad

I'm excited for the AMA session with @EmmaLouiseSmith

RT Herwig
The ins and outs of financing have alluded me.

For years, I've had producers come and go, each promising to be the missing piece in the puzzle that would catapult my project to fruition. However, reality struck hard – no fruitful outcomes, just fleeting promises. It felt like some producers were more interested in probing my finances than genuin...

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Stephen Folker

When it comes to financing a project, most producers won't find your money on an independent level. You have to do it yourself, or do something cheap / self finance.

Most importantly, even more import...

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Mario Leone

It's truly upsetting to hear about the challenges you've faced with film financing, and your experience resonates with many of us as filmmakers who navigate the crazy world of funding.

The elusive nat...

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Stephen Folker

Sound advice Mario. And sorry to hear you yourself have lost 5k. The reason why so many people have trouble securing financing is most do not know what they'll do with the finished film or have unreal...

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Jack Binder

You actually said it, you need to have all your ducks in order and as mentioned here, you need to do it yourself. Your package must be attractive and enticing for people to want to back you and invest in your project. Perseverance. Always.

Emma Louise Smith

I can echo what Jack says, it's good advice. To attract funding first you want to be in a position to show you have all your puzzle pieces and strategy planned out. You'll be better positioned to bring a strong Producer on board. Keep learning and keep going!

Garbage Trilogy

Networking and looking for low end financing to get this trilogy of shorts into a portmanteau that has something to say about the way we treat the homeless - the garbage people that you and I pass by every day without barely a glance.

1. Garbage King. A variation on found footage as am ex homeless du...

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Steve Hunyi

Start with a little self love

Maurice Vaughan
Stage 32 Certification Featured In The Wrap!

Stage 32 Certification was once again spotlighted, this time in a recent article on The Wrap, “Do the Math: Production Accountant Shortage Equals New Hollywood Careers.” This article dives into the changing landscape of the entertainment industry and how new educational programs, like Stage 32 Certi...

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Maurice Vaughan
Influencers vs. Investors - The Future Of Film Funding

In today’s blog, Karen "Kay" Ross talks about the funding options that are available for your film, including influencers and investors.

This blog is a must-read for anyone who’s looking to get funding!

Kay is an actress, producer, filmmaker, screenwriter, script consultant, and Stage 32’s Community...

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Jack Binder

A very insightful and detailed description of film financing options! Great work Kay and thanks for posting Maurice!

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Jack Binder. Going the influencer route is a great idea. I didn't know that was an option before reading this blog.

Sam Sokolow

So many filmmakers wonder how to creatively get their films financed - this is a must read.

Jodie Comer calls for more UK Arts Funding!

Today's release of "The End We Start From".

The climate crisis, motherhood, and survival are all explored in this British survival movie. Alice Birch adapted Megan Hunter's novel of the same name, with Mahalia Belo directing and J...

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Jodie Comer calls for more funding to go into the arts
Jodie Comer calls for more funding to go into the arts
Actor Jodie Comer says she would "love to see more funding going into the arts" particularly in Liverpool and the northwest, as she speaks exclusively to Channel 4 News ahead of the release of the for…
Niki H

I love that Jodie is using her amplified voice to support the arts and arts in education. It is so important for the development of a human being and it's still suffering for lack of funding. Thanks f...

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Sandra Isabel Correia

Thank you Maurice Vaughan its very kind from you: I appreciate that! I didn't thought about that! Thanks

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Sandra Isabel Correia.

Sandra Isabel Correia

Niki H I agree; that's why I shared since I believe it's so vital. It also marks Mahalia Belo's directorial debut. It's important to raise our voices too. You're welcome!

Sandra Isabel Correia

Maurice Vaughan happy you are always there :))

Maurice Vaughan
Why Crowdsource Funding Is Essential For Independent Producing

In today’s blog, Karen “Kay” Ross shares what she learned from other campaigns (and the resources she used) as an independent producer on her recent EPIC proof-of-concept short film, “Sanctuary.”

Kay is an actor, producer, screenwriter, filmmaker, script consultant, and Stage 32’s Community Manager...

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Sam Sokolow

This is a great post - Kay is so smart and has so much to share with this community. Thanks, Maurice Vaughan!

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Sam Sokolow. I agree. Kay is so smart, she always has incredible resources to share with the community, and she's super encouraging, inspiring, and motivating. I've learned a lot from...

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Karen "Kay" Ross

Aww, thank you all so much! I really appreciate your kind words, truly. Stay tuned! I've got a follow-up blog coming out soon!

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Karen "Kay" Ross. Looking forward to your follow-up blog!

Jack Binder
What the Heck Are Co-Productions Anyway?

Co-Production can be a confusing term and has multiple meanings in the world of film and tv production and film finance. In general, when referring to co-productions, the meaning is two or more co-production treaty nation's producers collaborating on the finance and production of a film or show.


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Going Global With International Co-Productions - Media Services
Going Global With International Co-Productions - Media Services
Working in the film business wouldn't be as thrilling as it is without there being some challenges and uncertainties as well, regardless of the size of your production. Of course, independent filmmake…
Jack Binder

Thank you Maurice. Yes, this is precisely why you see so many credits on independent, especially foreign (international) productions opening credits.

Producers pull together film financing from multip...

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Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Jack Binder. Thanks for explaining. "Euro-Pudding." Great name! Ok, looking forward to the other post. I tried to produce two features way back. I could've really used the information...

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Rich Allen

I am looking for help financing and producing a feature Comedy at 1-5 Mil production in RI and Quebec Canada - I am seeking co productions and/or co-producers.

Karen "Kay" Ross

LOVE this! Thank you so much, Jack Binder!

Sam Sokolow

Really valuable post - great for people to get a better understanding of this model that we hear about almost every day. Thanks, Jack Binder!

Jack Binder

Great article on the dedication it takes to make an independent film!

Alessio Bergamo

love these stories or resilience. thanks for sharing.

more please :)

Maurice Vaughan

Great share, Amanda Toney! I've never heard of the term "bridging money" before I read the article.

Ashley Renee Smith

So interesting! Perseverance truly is key.

Karen "Kay" Ross

Man, does this make me feel better about my own struggles making our first feature! This is the part that really got me:

"Financing came via foreign pre-sales through STX International, the Italian tax...

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Jack Binder
Hollywood Cost Consciousness to Return (as Netflix to spend $17bn on content)

Hollywood and the film and television industry as a whole goes through ups and downs on spending over the course of business cycles. Following a free-wheeling investment spree in content, the streamers and major studios have been racing for market share, subscribers, retention, and volume.

As we've s...

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How Streamers and Dealmakers Alike Are Shifting Strategies Post-Strike
How Streamers and Dealmakers Alike Are Shifting Strategies Post-Strike
As streamers like Netflix and Max shift strategies post-strike, Hollywood dealmakers are also rethinking next steps.
Dalene Stuteville

Great information!

Rita Lamotte

maybe we should follow more the lead of Jason Blum production strategies

Ashley Renee Smith

Great share! Thank you, Jack Binder!

Sam Sokolow

Eilenberg is a super smart and talented executive. Great perspective and I trust what he says, Maurice Vaughan.

Karen "Kay" Ross

Great article - thank you for sharing!

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