Benie Uche is the Executive Producer and Presenter of the Benie Uche Show, a popular and widely viewed TV Talk Show, within and outside Nigeria. I consider myself a global citizen. Studied Mass Communication, Masters degree in Business Administration and an honorary Doctorate degree in Communication Development. I am interested in empowerment of women, youth and the girl child.
My TV Show The Benie Uche Show, is a brand on its own. It is a human interest television talk show with the objective to educate, entertain and inform the viewing public on issues that impact positively on peoples lives; The Benie Uche Show which is well packaged and went on October 7, 1994, has for 20 years, covered many sectors and numerous, role models accross the world, events, both local and international. In my TV Production and presentations I have partnered with both local and international TV Stations. Its viewing public cuts across gender, age groups and social classes and The Benie Uche Show has received rave reviews and commendation, within and outside Nigeria.
Benie belongs to a number of professional bodies. She is known also for her skill in piloting as Master of ceremony at many events.
Unique traits: TV Anchor person and presenter. Good at Master of ceremonies, events coordination Has an annual Christmas Charity Party for children.
The Benie Uche Show
Commendation Certificate at the Nigeria Media Merit Award for Best Presnter
Commendation Certificate for Best Program Nigerian Media Merit Award
Doctorate degree.
Recieved Certifcate of Recoginition for Program Content Nigerian Broadcasting Commission AFRICAST
Commendation Certificate at the Nigeria Media Merit Award for Best Presnter
Commendation Certificate for Best Program Nigerian Media Merit Award
Recently honored with an Ola Ndi Igbo Award as one of its Global best in the media and communication category.
Commendation from Common Wealth Women Business Group for Pre- Malta CHOMG Events/content coverage
Hon Doctorate Degree EAU