I'm a high school art teacher by day (not counting summers) and a novelist and aspiring screenwriter by night. I'm not going to reveal my age, as I want to be a woman of mystery.
Born and raised in the Midwest (Milwaukee,) but lived in Fort Myers, Florida several years as well. I have currently authored four books; it's a series titled, "The Projection Room." It's a sci-fi/supernatural thriller.
I've also written several screenplayers.
The Projection Room: Two from the Cubist Mist (books were based on this script)
The Projection Room: Green Eye Beneath (also a script first)
Feeling for Home (rom/com)
Zombie Daycare Apocalypse (rom/com)
Welcome to the NFL (co-authored with my brother, Peter)
The Doorprize (drama)
I'm currently working on another script titled, "The Origami Man," which I intended to also turn into a novel. And concurrently working on a Biblically based novel with the working title "The Sacred Mantle."
I currently own a horse. She's a Morgan mare named Baroncrest Echobrook (Echo for short.) I'm also fond of cats, but an catless at the moment.
Unique traits: I have 4 older brothers. I'm the only girl child of an only girl child, and I was born on Christmas day. I used to be a redhead for the longest time.