I studied at the Royal Art Academie in The Hague and worked many years for dutch television. Since 9 years i have my own production company which produces all kind of films for television and the corporate market.
Last year we were asked to make a Scenario Based Policy Discussion for the Nuclear Summit 2014. This high quality tailored films were shown to the world leaders to evoke a discussions around this Nuclear topic. Since the Nuclear Summit we started the company .
Since then we have worked for all kinds of summits (Global conference on CyberSpace, Anti Microbial Resitance, Future Force, Air force Symposium).
Unique traits: Scenario Based Policy Discussion Nss2014, Scenarios4summits
Airpower Symposium
Film (short)
by scenario4summits
producer, director
Global Conference on Cyberspace 2015
Film (short)
by Scenario4summits
NSS 2014/ Scenario Based Policy Discussion Nuclear Summit The Hague
Film (short)
by Crossmarkpictures
AMR/ AntiMicrobial Resistance
Film (short)
by Scenarios4summits
Producer, director
Royal Art Academy, The Hague