Sandra Faye Jefferson

Sandra Faye Jefferson

God's Ultimate Fellowship Yet Pursuing Records
Author, Clerk, Dancer, Director, Filmmaker, Music Composer, Playwright, Producer, Screenwriter, Singer and Songwriter

Los Angeles, California

Member Since:
April 2017
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Sandra

Traveling Pastor, Author of five books on amazon in kindle store. One book Help a little Sister Out. I've been filming from chapter two Back to the Playground, Producer Director Sceenwriter. It will be ready in June 2017. Comedy Romance movie i want the young people to see another side to life the power of forgiveness..The cost low budget no budget film with young people new faces. Sing and Compose songs. I'm a mother grandmother and greatgrand. Former Soul Train Dancer in the 70'S.

Unique traits: Aurhor that write books with humous messages. Also scripts that will bring awareness for people to enjoy life with hope for their future. Creative products on my website: Divine Purpose Love to sing and compose songs. Former Soul Train Dancer from 1971-1980 My books are on Amazon kindle bookstore The one is called: From Soul Train to the Pulpit What's love got to do with it, Anything but Everything. My new movie i directed writer author of producer and Sceenwriter Songwriter Filming Director. Called: Send Him Back To The Playground. No sex drugs profanity violence. Young people learning the power of friendship and forgiveness. I started filming in June 2016 now editing July 2017. To God be the Glory.





  • Not yet I'm new in film. but still doing ministry


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